Another busy week in Primary 1! This week we have been revising our number stories to 10 in a variety of different ways. We made paper chains, we coloured in ten frames and wrote down the different sums we made and we coloured in rainbows to help us link up the facts. We are getting much better at pairing up numbers that add together to make 10.
We have also been practising our numbers to 20 and have been writing the numerals and counting objects accurately up to 20.
During our library time this week the boys and girls worked hard to use their reading skills to sound out some words in their books.
Olivia really impressed Mrs Lloyd when she found an Oxford Reading Tree book and sounded out almost all of the words perfectly. She then even offered to help Nathan C when he had a go at reading it. Nathan also did very well! Thank you to Mrs Little who has very kindly displayed our Cat in the Hat rhyming art work in the library. Doesn’t it look good?!
We have been working on becoming healthier and have started to walk a mile a couple of times a week. Everyone has managed to walk the full distance and showed good stamina. Well done!
This morning we had a special visitor in class as Abi and her mum brought in baby Lawson. He was so well behaved and the boys and girls were being very quiet and gentle with him. Thank you for bringing him in to meet us all. We all thought he was so cute.