Sur le Pont d’Avignon

Last week the girls and boys in the nursery were introduced to Camembear’s new friend Loulou who has come for a visit after the Easter holidays. Everyone said ‘Bonjou’ to Loulou and told her their name when asked ‘Comment tu t’appelles?’


During their holiday in France, Loulou and Camembear went to Avignon and had their photograph taken on the bridge there. We put Loulou and Camembear in the middle of a circle and danced around them singing the song ‘Sur le pont d’Avignon’.

Nursery French April 013

The boys had to bow and the girls had to curtsy during the song.Nursery French April 006Nursery French April 009

Everyone had fun singing and doing the actions. Loulou and Camembear were very happy as it reminded them of their holiday.