Successful Learners in P1b

In maths this week we have been working hard to work out all the stories of 5 using lots of different concrete materials including cubes and magnets.  We made our own number stories of 5 craft and used paper fish to help us!  We have also measured using non-standard units such as lollisticks, cubes, paperclips and match sticks.

In literacy we have been spelling words, generating rhyming words and working hard to slide our sounds together to help us to read simple words.

Well done to everyone for working hard to learn and recite their Scottish poems.  Francesca was selected to recite her poem at our Scottish assembly and represented P1b really well.

Finally, great fun was had in the structured play area.  We had construction which we used to build beanstalks, we had dressing up, we practised our turn taking skills when playing snakes and ladders and enjoyed getting very creative at the art table.