What’s the Time Mr Wolf?

P1/2 have been busy thinking about all the different Fairytales we know to help us plan a display in time for World Book Day.  We started work on some of the different parts of our display and had great fun making knights to guard the castle, designing our own gingerbread men, sketching the big bad wolf, making leaves for a beanstalk, making some of the different characters from the story and designing our own dragons.

While we were busy with our art work we were really lucky to have Olivia’s gran come in to read us stories in the library corner.  We enjoyed having you read to us and thank you very much for taking the time to come in and visit us.

In maths we have been learning to read o’clock times and to set the hands on a clock to show different o’clock times.  We even noticed some o’clock times on our classroom clock afterwards!

While we were learning about time, we were also revising our addition and missing number sums.  Lots of people are working really hard and producing good quality independent work.

Keep up the good work boys and girls.  I’m looking forward to seeing the finished fairytale display.

Snowy Day

Today the nursery children had great fun playing in the snow even although it didn’t last for very long. They were all set with waterproof trousers and wellies with most of the children enjoyed going down the wet slide.

P3’s Health Week

We have enjoyed taking part in health week and thinking about why exercise is good for our bodies. On Thursday, we had a session learning handball skills.

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On Friday, we learned about how to hold a golf club correctly and had a go at putting and using a full swing to hit the ball.

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Measuring in Primary One

Primary One have been learning how to measure and they have been doing a brilliant job!!

We have been using different objects like cubes, paperclips and pennies to measure a variety of objects.

We have also enjoyed taking part in health week and thinking about why exercise is good for our bodies ! On Wednesday, we took part in gymnastics and on Thursday we learnt how to play handball! Handball was our favourite!

Well done P1!


Hunt for the Big Bad Wolf

This week in the nursery we have been focusing on Little Red Riding Hood where most of the children are able to retell this story using visuals. We spoke about personal safety as Little Red Riding Hood was told not to talk to anyone on the way to grandma’s house and how the Big Bad Wolf was very naughty. We went on a hunt to the local woods to see if we could find the Big Bad Wolf.

We didn’t manage to find the Big Bad Wolf but we did find out that they are working on replacing the bridge over the pond and we will keep an eye on the progress of this.


An active week in P2/3!

P2/3 have really enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities for health week this week.

On Wednesday we joined Primary 2 in the hall to play a variety of games.  Miss Edmond and I were impressed with the super team work during the games.  There were some very red faces after playing the cat and mouse game!!  Well done to our class winners Jack, Daniel and Oskar!  Special mention to Daniel and Izaak who developed the tactic of standing really still near the wall and hoping no one would notice them!! (there are more photos of this session in Miss Edmond’s blog post)

Yesterday we had a session learning handball skills.  We learned about the correct way to carry and dribble the ball and we even managed to move while putting the ball through our legs!!

Today we were learning about how to hold a golf club correctly and had a go at putting and using a full swing to hit the ball.  The coach was very impressed by how many of the children managed to get the ball in the air!

P2’s health week

On Wednesday P2 were joined by P2/3 to play some team games in the hall. The children worked very well together and used excellent skills to work out the best strategies for their team. Please visit P2/3’s blog post to see photos of the Cat and Mouse game!

P2 were excited to take part in a handball session and learn about how to safely throw and catch a ball. Miss Edmond was impressed at how well the children in P2 could dribble the ball and pass the ball between their legs!


Have a lovely weekend resting after a busy week, P2!

Marvellous Measuring and Healthy Happenings in P1/2

This week in maths, P1/2 have been practising their measuring skills.  We have been estimating and measuring the size of different objects using dominoes, dice, paper clips and cubes.  We drew round our feet and estimated how many cubes long they were before we measured them.  We have also been ordering objects from smallest to tallest.  We are getting really good at it!

During health week we had fun in the hall playing games and improving our fitness.  We also enjoyed doing our daily mile with P1 and had the chance to be introduced to the sport of Handball.  It was really fun.

In literacy we worked in our groups to find bold and italic writing in a piece of text about Jack and the Beanstalk.  We all co-operated well together and took turns to share the highlighter to highlight the bold and italic writing.  We really impressed Mrs Lloyd.

We enjoyed some time in the structured play area this week and showed good sharing skills with our friends.  We enjoyed dressing up in the castle role-play area, building with lego, playing with the trains, getting creative in the art area, reading books in the library corner and making up our own puppet shows!

A short but busy week!  Well done boys and girls.  Keep up the good work!

Superheroes to the rescue…….

This week in maths, P1/2 have been working on addition within 5.  We have been practising using our fingers, cubes, number lines and even just our brains to add up within 5.  Miss Graham helped us practise our number stories to 5 with a game of skittles.  We rolled the bowling ball and looked at how many skittles were knocked over and how many were still standing to help us write some number stories.  We also tried screening numbers this week and looked at counting on from the biggest number rather than counting the 5 again that we already know we have e.g. 5 + 3 – we lock the number five in our heads and count on 5 –  6, 7, 8.

Last week we planted some magic beans to try to grow some beanstalks of our own.  We learned all about what plants need to survive and are checking to make sure our seeds have all these things so that they will grow!  Ask your child what plants need to survive.

As part of the ‘Day for Change’ we learned about the different food groups and sorted examples of foods from each group. We learned that carbohydrates give you energy, protein helps you grow strong, dairy products helps your bones and teeth stay healthy and strong and fruit and vegetables give you vitamins and minerals.  We also designed our own superheroes and thought about which super power we would like them to have in order for them to save the world.

Last week , Darren from the Lanthorn church came in to school to talk to us about perseverance.  He left lots of fun activities for us to have a go at to help us to practise perservering even when things get a bit tricky.  It was really fun and this week we recorded our favourite activity in our learning profiles.  Mrs Lloyd was very impressed with our detailed black line drawings.

P1/2 would like to say a big thank you to Nana Snape (Chloe’s gran) who came into school to read stories to the children.  The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed listening to the stories and appreciate you taking time out to come and read to them.  They are looking forward to our other story reading volunteers who will be visiting over the coming weeks.

Finally, thanks to Darren and his team at the Lanthorn church for allowing us to come along for a visit and learn all about baptism.  The children enjoyed listening to a story before acting out what would happen at a baptism.  Darren also had a couple of friends there who showed us christening robes and shawls that are special to them and their families.  Thank you very much for having us.  The children enjoyed their visit and learned a lot.