P1/2 Go Back in Time …………..

P1/2 started the week off with some emotions work.  We spoke about what makes us happy and sad and even tried making some happy and sad faces.  After that, we tried hard to think of other feelings words that mean the same and are beginning to get better at this.

We have been practising our coin recognition and even shopped in Mrs Lloyd’s shop for some tasty foods!  We had to take the right coins out of our purses so that we could pay for the items!

As well as learning about money, we worked independently to practise our adding and take away skills.

In literacy we learned the ‘qu’ sound and practised all of our sounds learned so far alongside our tricky action words.  We have been practising blending our sounds together to make words and remembered that the black sound should be in the middle!

Thank you to Miss Graham who helped us with a special painting job last week.  This week we decorated our painted works of art.  Keep a look out for these fantastic masterpieces making their way home soon!

In topic work, we have been learning about some of the similarities and differences between toys now and toys from long ago.  We looked at some pictures online and had a great discussion about all different sorts of toys and we even pretended to go back in time in our time machine to look at some toys from long ago!  We sorted out some different toys in the classroom into old and new toys.  It was really fun!

Finally, a couple of weeks ago Mrs Stewart set all the teachers a special challenge.  We were all given a gift of an item from the poundshop which we had to include in one of our lessons before Christmas.  P1/2 received a folding box!

Above is what is used to look like because now……………….

…….we’ve turned the box into a stable and used it to explore the nativity story and to make our very own nativity scene.  We started off by brainstorming what people would need to be included then thought about the materials that we would need to make it before we all worked together to choose a part to make.  Well done P1/2 – another brilliant week.  Keep up the good work!

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