Come and find out more about the RRS award we are working towards!

A quick reminder about our drop in session about children’s rights and the  RRS award Bankton are currently working towards. You will also get to meet our RRS Champions, who will be helping Miss Rodford achieve the award.

It is on the 17th of November at 2.30! Please come along and find out more!

There will be tea and biscuits!

Article 42
You have the right to know your rights!
Adults should know about these rights and
help you learn about them, too.

P6/7 Visit Bibleworld

This post was written by Erin and Abbie in P6/7

  img_2988 On Friday we went to Bible world and we did a lot of fun things. There was an aeroplane section where we sat in aeroplane seats and there was a screen in front of us . We had to fill in the blank spaces by finding the answers from the short films we watched.


There was also a music section, library section and an old printing press where we had to twist the handles to press the ink onto the paper.

 img_2984      It was amazing!!!