Sleeping Beauty!

Primary One loved watching the pantomine ‘Sleeping Beauty’. We thought the withc was very mean and was very unkind to the other characters!

‘I liked it when the Prince kissed the Princess’ – Hannah

After the pantomine, we all go to choose a different art activity to complete  based on fairy tales.  Some of us made fairy wands, magic mirrors, wolves and painted Fairy Godmothers!

In sounds, we learnt the u and d sounds. We have been working hard to practise blending together the sounds to read three letter words!

We also enjoyed watching Authors Live from the Scottish Book Trust! This was a live book reading which schools all around the country could watch!

In maths, we have started to learn how to add and Miss Rodford is very impressed with our adding skills ! We have also been learning about 3D shapes such as a cube, cone, cuboid, sphere and cylinder!

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Primary 4

This week we started our assessment for Emotion Works by watching Monsters Inc and taking notes on the different emotions, behaviours and triggers of the characters. We found that when the characters got scared they often ran away and screamed. Also we also evaluated how they reacted in different situations.

We also looked at maps and directions in maths. We used left and right to help us find how to get to different places on a map. Then we made our instructions better by using first, second or third left/right. Eventually we used street names to make them even better. We worked in groups to plot a path from one place to another.

College students came for our P.E. lesson this week and we learnt basketball skills. They taught us the chest pass and the bounce pass. Also we had a mini game of basketball.

Dojo Winner this week – Lily
Star of the Week – James