Marvellous Maths in P1b

P1b have been working hard today with drawing and counting objects to 20 and beyond.  Miss Dyet worked with the children and was very impressed with their accurate counting and number formation.  We tried out some tips on how to count large groups of objects and found that marking the objects that we had counted helped us to make sure we hadn’t counted any objects twice and hadn’t missed any out!

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Easter rhyming and lots more ….

P1a have been busy this week learning about Spring. We have been thinking about the signs we can see all around us.  Can you spot some of the signs of Spring the next time you are out walking? Here are some signs we came up with …

  • flowers
  • baby animals
  • blossom
  • bees
  • butterflies

We have also been doing some Easter rhyming. We had a go at making different words that rhyme with ‘un’ using Easter eggs and we thought that was lots of fun.

P1a have also been enjoyed our new and improved structured play area! We loved all the space we now have.

In maths, we have also been learning about how to link addition and subtraction number stories together using dominos and pegs.  We have been practising making 4 facts using 3 numbers e.g.

2+3 = 5, 3+2 = 5, 5 – 2= 3 and 5 -3 = 2

We also have been learning how to count beyond ten and counting out sets of objects up to 20.

P1a also enjoyed visiting the book fair and looking at all the lovely books.

We want to say a massive well done to the upper school for their show, we thought it was very funny.

“I liked the army men’ Daniel G

” I liked all of it” Ryan

Miss Rodford wants to give a big mention to Daniel S, for an amazing piece of instructional writing that he produced. It is super Daniel !!   Well done to Jack Mcmillan, who was our superhero of the week. Jack has shown super manners and he has been trying very hard with his learning this week!

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