Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015

Dyslexia Awareness Week 2015

This week the children at Bankton are looking at how we support all our learners in the classroom.  We are looking at our displays and Helps Boxes to see how we can use these to help us when we get stuck.   Some of the older children are learning about what dyslexia is and are talking about how we all learn in different ways and how we all find different things difficult.


We are also learning some cool facts

Over 50% of the people who work at NASA are reported to have dyslexia.  This is because they are excellent problem solvers and work well with 3D images!  The sky holds no limits when you can venture into space!!!


The government GCQH employs more than 100 dyslexic staff to work on anti-terrorism projects as they are able to analyse data and crack codes in a way that others can’t.


Famous Dyslexics



We think dyslexia is a certainly a gift!!!


Find out more about dyslexia:


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