Fun day !!

P2 really enjoyed funday on Thursday. We took part in lots of activities like ….. super soakers, street dance, the funbus and we even had a movie afternoon.

‘I enjoyed the ice cream and the funbus’ Mackenzie

‘I liked the funbus and the super soakers’ Regan

I liked getting my face painted’ Kayla

We had a super day and Miss Rodford enjoyed squirting the children with water !!

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Food Chains!

P2 have been learning about food chains this week. We have learnt that a food chain always starts with a plant as they can produce their own food and animals that eat other animals are called carnivores.

We have been ordering pictures to make simple food chains.

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A busy week in P2 !

P2 have been busy this week !! We have been learning all about symmetry. We had a go at copying a picture and we had to make sure it was symmetical. We then looked at finding the line of symmetry in different shapes.

On Friday, we did a fun activity called symmetry pattern building. P2 worked in pairs and one person would start a pattern and their partner had to copy the pattern.

‘I enjoyed this becasue we were making patterns with the cubes’ Lucy

‘We were making tricky patterns for each other’ Louise




Sports Day

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Yesterday, it was P1, P2, P2/3 and P3’s sports day.

We took part in lots of games and races !!

We played games like hockey dribble and golf.

Then we took part in some races. We did the running race, skipping race and a backwards race.

We enjoyed the running race because it was fun.

We also liked the bean bag race because you had to balance the beanbag on your head.

We had a great day at sports day!


The past few weeks in the nursery the children have been learning how to care for others. They had the opportunity to observe the life cycle of a butterfly and let them free in the nursery garden.
