Outdoor Maths!

Mrs Lloyd’s maths group had fun in the sun last week when we were using the outdoor area to work on our counting in twos.  The children were split up into four groups and rotated around a variety of activities to practise their skills in counting on in twos.  One group, used the big number lines to jump forward and backwards in twos, another group painted numbers with water and counted on, another group used chalk to practise jumping in twos and the last group enjoyed a seat at the picnic table with their whiteboards and showed off how good they were at counting in twos.  Good work everyone!!

100_4167 100_4166 100_4165 100_4164 100_4163 100_4162 100_4161 100_4160 100_4159 100_4158 100_4157 100_4156 100_4155 100_4154 100_4153 100_4152 100_4150 100_4148 100_4147 100_4146 100_4145 100_4144 100_4143 100_4141 100_4140 100_4138 100_4136 100_4135 100_4131 100_4130 100_4128 100_4127 100_4126 100_4125 100_4124 100_4123 100_4122 100_4121 100_4120 100_4117