Vowel House in P1a

P1a really impressed Mrs Lloyd today with their fabulous vowel house work.  The children worked independently at a number of different stations while Mrs Lloyd worked with small groups to play the Swap vowel house game.  The independent activities included playing vowel house bingo, reading tricky words, playing vowel sounds games on the laptops, using the big interactive vowel house on the wall, matching sounds and words to the correct positions on the vowel house and drawing the vowel house on the big paper (as suggested by Josh).  Try asking your child to tell you all the sounds in the vowel house and the vowel house story – I bet you will be impressed!  These sounds are helping us with our reading and writing work.  Here are some pictures of us in action!

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The Big Bad Wolf Arrived in P1a!

This week, P1a worked hard to finish their technology projects.  Their target was to plan, design and then build a house for one of the three little pigs which would withstand the big bad wolf (aka Mrs Lloyd with a hairdryer) huffing and puffing to blow it down.  After predicting which houses would stay standing and which would fall we tested them out and noted down the results.  The big bad wolf was getting more and more annoyed as she only managed to blow down one house!  Lots of good teamwork and problem solving skills have developed over the course of the project and the children should be proud of their work throughout the whole process.  Here are some pictures which show the finished houses and us testing them out!

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Meteorite Master!

Last week to celebrate the solar eclipse, Sarah brought in a meteorite from home to share with the whole class.  She was very confident standing up in front of the class where she enjoyed telling the class how old the meteorite was and pointing out that it was much older than her dad!  Sarah passed it round and let everyone have a hold before showing us some pictures from her meteorite book.  She did such a good job telling us all about it that we thought she should go through and impress Mrs Thomson and P1/2.  Thank you for teaching us all about meteorites Sarah – you did a great job!

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