The Vikings are coming!!

We have just started our Vikings topic and P4 enjoyed working on developing mapping skills last week. We used our atlases and marked the countries that the Vikings came from on a map; Armand really enjoyed this work. Did you know that Denmark, Sweden and Norway are Scandinavian countries? Another Viking favourite this week was researching the different types of jewellery that they wore and finding out about the different types of materials used to make them. Ailsa brought in a model of a Viking boat and that is now forming part of our display.

In maths, we have been working on the 6xtable. Xander says that the 6X table song has really helped him to learn it. It’s very catchy!!! 5xtable song, here we come!!!!

3 thoughts on “The Vikings are coming!!”

  1. This sounds fabulous Primary 4 although the Headline gave me a bit of a fright! Can’t wait to see your display.

  2. There is great excitement in P.4 since the start of this topic – I look forward to seeing all of your interesting learning experiences.

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