Wednesday 3rd April 2014/1941

Dear Diary…

It was not a normal day today. In fact, I didn’t even wear my normal clothes for school today because today was WWII at Bankton!

I dressed up as someone from Britain during WWII. When I got to school I saw lots of other people dressed up too, it was as if I had gone back in time! People were dressed up as soldiers, evacuees, war mums, doctors, black market profiteers, land girls, Winston Churchill, Vera Lyn, nurses and an ARP warden.

Not only did we look like we were from 1941, we had to eat like it was 1941 too, complete with rations. I didn’t even get to bring my own tuck. Instead we were given jam and bread and 1 square of chocolate only….there is a war on after all!

I took part in lots of activities to help with the war effort such as making my own gas mask box, digging for victory, make do and mend by sewing on a button, filling in my identity card, up-cycling which is making something new out of something old, WWII A-Z, creating a VE day menu, working in the munitions factory, making a VE day party hat and designing a card game to pass the time in the shelter during air raids. Phew, being at war is hard work you know!

Not only did I have to help with the war effort, I had to shelter (a.k.a hide under the table!) when the air raid siren sounded. I had to make sure that the windows were blacked out before going to my shelter. It felt scary, tense and cramped! I could only come out of my shelter when the all clear siren sounded. Sometimes the air raids lasted longer than others.

The day felt tiring but there was 1941 music to boost our morale and some extra rations as the day went on!
In the afternoon, people came to visit our Blackout café to hear all about our WWII day and we all had a singalong to keep spirits high.

It was an exciting day but sadly we had to return to 2014 even though Taylor’s evacuee tag had requested that he didn’t return home at all!