Destination goals…

With only one week to until the holidays, we managed to squeeze in a huge range of learning this week.

We were visited by Nathan MacQueen this week as part of the Champion in schools programme. He talked about his career in sport but also how he came to be a wheelchair athlete. He taught us about setting goals for our future and about how we might get there by setting journey goals to reach our destination goal.

Elise – “I thought it was inspirational because despite all the injuries he has been through, he keeps going.”

Sean – “I found it very interesting because he has tried a lot of different sports.”

Megan – “I found it amazing that he had broken so many bones but was still able to take part and do well in sport.”

We are all now working on our journey and destination goals.

On Friday, the cricket festival took place and Bankton came second out of five schools. It took a lot of energy and it was a really fun (and cold) morning!

We have all prepared class talks this week and we are sharing them with our class, one by one.

Louis “The class talks that I heard were very interesting.”

Erica “It was very nerve wracking and it was very hard to fill the time we were given in the success criteria!”

Declan “All the class talks I’ve heard were very detailed and I’m sure everyone else’s will be too.”

Katie “some people were able to talk with a clear loud voice but others found that more difficult.”

Since Spring is here, we decided to celebrate by enjoying the beauty of the spring flowers, daffodils and then…….tearing them apart or rather in science language, ‘dissecting’ them!

We managed to see the structure of the daffodil and we could then talk about the life cycles of the flowers.

During class maths we have been using our data handling skills to ‘interpret’ information from tables and present it in bar graphs and pictograms.

Declan “it was quite hard to find a scale without making it too simple and not precise enough for the big numbers we were working with.”

Chloe “I found the pictograms the hardest because it was hard to get precise numbers.”

Dylan “it was tricky because we had to use big numbers of deaths during WWII.”

WWII (in P6) is finally coming to an end and victory is in sight! We are finding out about VE day and how Britain celebrated.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday at the Blackout Café where we will be sharing some of our learning with you. Bring your singing voice with you, we can’t let morale drop, especially now that the end is in sight!