Another busy week in P2

In art we have continued to look at Wassily Kandinsky’s work, we have begun to make collages using tissue paper, in the style of his ‘Circles in a circle’.

We put a large circle on a piece of paper and then smaller circles inside. Laura.

We displayed our earlier work, as one large piece. Here’s a photo:

'Kandinsky Corner'

We have learned that Egypt was created out of two kingdoms, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Some people have brought in Ancient Egypt books and items to help us learn more.  We have thought about some more questions of things we would like to learn.  We used the question words we learned in Literacy (when, what, where, why, who and how).

We also remembered  to use question marks. Lucca.

We found Cinderella’s lost slipper!

We discovered Cinderella’s lost slipper in our classroom.  This gave us some more ideas about what to build for Fairyland.  We have been busy planning our Cinderellas display and have started to make some of the things we will need.

Kai has enjoyed writing about his outfit for the royal wedding.  Iona has enjoyed her gym classes this week.  Owen has liked trying to count in steps of 2, 5 and 10!