Outbreak of WWII…..topic!

This week P6 started their new topic WWII. 

We learned about the leaders of the countries involved in WWII.  We know that during the war Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of Britain and that Adolf Hitler was the leader of Germany.  We realised that although Hitler was elected to be the leader in a democratic way, he was a dictator because he even put his opponents in concentration camps so they couldn’t stop what he wanted to do.  We used our mapping skills show which countries were allies, axis countries and which were axis controlled.

We have also been journalists from 1939 this week and have been writing a newspaper article announcing the outbreak of war.  Life in the 1930s was very different from today.  Houses in towns and cities were back to back, they had tin baths in front of the fire and everyone in the family shared the same water….YUK!  Most houses didn’t have inside toilets and only some electricity.  Hot water bottles were made of china and were VERY hot and then VERY cold!  Families listened to the wireless, a radio from that time and children liked to listen to ‘Children’s Hour’ which was on at 5pm.  At the weekends some children liked to visit the Picture House to go and see the latest serial.

In PE with Mr Muldoon we started work on gymnastics.  We have been improving our gymnastic skills by practising forward rolls, lazy backward rolls, cartwheels and pencil rolls.  Chloe said “I found it really fun and I was trying to improve my lazy backward rolls”.

In drama we have a chance to teach our welcome dances to the rest of our class.  Emily thought it was a bit hard to learn other people’s dances but quite fun in the end.  Emma said “It was amazing because you get to learn other people’s dances and get to share yours with others.”

We also started to research the Jewish religion.  We discussed the 10 Commandments and thought about whether any of them are still relevant and useful today. 

The P6 Garden Groomers were back out in the garden areas this week.  Katie is glad to be back at work as she has missed it.  She said “Mrs Thomson is perhaps going to return next week to give us a hand because we are really missing her support”. 

We’re all working towards our fun day reward for this month as we all like the idea of a hotdog and ice cream at the end of the year!

Next week, we’re going to do lots more WWII and Judaism research and Elise is going to bring in some WWII medals for us to have a look at.  Another busy week to come in P6!

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