

Here are some compositions by P6/7 that were inspired by the piece Mars from The Planets Suite by Gustav Holst.  Like Holst’s piece the pupils had to try an include an ostinato, a beginning and an ending.  We listened back to all the pieces and assessed them using this criteria and how much we liked the piece overall.  The winning pieces were by Jacob, Leighton, Aida, Lexi and Ellie – well done you five!



Here is Mrs Inkster, Priya and Jenny to wish you all a happy Easter holiday with The Arran Boat Song



Here are P2/3 performing the space song, Countdown.  Each pupil chose an instrument and a sound to perform in the song then everyone joined in at the end with HONKY PONKY!



P1/2 have been learning about high and low in music using the boomwhackers.  Here are some photos and videos of them in action.  Thank goodness Olivia was around to keep Mrs Inkster right!



P5/6 and Mrs Inkster were vexed that SMUHA was cancelled again this yearso to cheer everyone up they have recorded a couple of versions of the Up Helly Aa song for you. We hope you like them!