Pupil Support


Mr. Jonathan Kerr

Welcome to Pupil Support

It is not easy when trying to summarise the full range of Pupil Support interventions this is because, when they are working most effectively, interventions do not follow a step-by-step straight line. To use a simple image, they are much more likely to look like a road map than a ladder.

This is because child protection, safeguarding and wellbeing are the responsibility of all staff in the school and, whilst Pupil Support takes a co-ordinated lead on this, there are interventions across the curriculum that promote wider health and wellbeing.

In addition to pastoral care, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is planned and taught by Pupil Support to ensure pupils learn about and can discuss matters such as healthy relationships, health, progress in learning, careers education and citizenship.

Teenage years can be difficult for some youngsters and Pupil Support staff play an important role in helping pupils who are experiencing problems in their education or personal lives. During Parents’ Evenings there are opportunities for parents/carers to meet Principal Teacher Pupil Support, however if you have concerns about your child’s progress or matters of a personal nature, you can contact the school to make an appointment with Pupil Support.

Should your child have any specific needs, Pupil Support and ASN will provide e.g. targeted learning or behaviour support plans will be in place and reviewed through parental meetings; tracking and monitoring will capture progress and, where any concern arises, we will work together to ensure we resolve any issues and support wellbeing.