P5/4 exploring the Fibonacci Sequence

Today we explored the Fibonacci Sequence as part of our number pattern topic in maths. We were given 3 envelopes with a puzzle in each one. Without any help from the teacher we had to look at what was in each envelope and work out what we had to do each time. The tasks had to be completed in a particular order.

There was lots of discussion as we tried different ideas.

Lauren – I saw the 2 ones and then the two. I could see how they linked and then I saw that the 1 and the 2 was followed by a 3 (the total of 1 and 2). I then applied this to the next number in the sequence and it worked.

Reuben – We ignored the numbers to begin with and could see that the pieces went together to make a picture like a jigsaw. Then we looked at the number patter.

Our next task was to  arrange the squares into a rectangle making a new rectangle each time we added a square.


Our next task was to find the significance of the spiral. This was very tricky and we tried lots of different things.

Holly – we started with the smallest squares and put them in the middle. Then we put the next biggest to make the rectangle bigger. We kept doing this until we got to the biggest square.

Elise – I lay the squares in onto the spiral in the same pattern as we did with the rectangle.

Adam – it was better working with each other than alone because then we could have more ideas and more brains together.

Reuben – It was really challenging!

At the end we shared our strategies and how we overcame difficulties.

The class agreed that this was a fun way to learn.



Roman Soldier

Today we learned about Roman soldiers and their armour. We thought about how different it is to soldier’s armour today. We learned about the materials used and the advantages and disadvantages of these. Our task was to create a class Roman soldier. We worked on each piece of armour in groups.

3D Shape

We have been looking at 3D shape in P5/4. We have explored features such as faces, edges, and vertices. To create our 3D shapes with spaghetti and plasticine we had to think about what the key features were so that our shapes were stable e.g. edges the same length, edges parallel, right angles.

Some of us discovered that creating triangles within the shapes made them stronger.

As a challenge we had to create a structure linking several 3D shapes. This was difficult because the spaghetti was so fragile.

RHET Farmhouse Breakfast Competition 2019

Primary 5 had worked very hard researching different breakfast recipes and creating 7 new recipes for this competition.  We then had to create a menu with our new recipes.   During this time we enjoyed some practical research with the making of some dishes.

We found out today that we were runners up in the competition.   Good luck to all the finalists.

Primary 7 Shared Learning

Primary 5 had an exciting afternoon when Primary 7 came into class to share their learning.  Each group had worked hard preparing a presentation which actively involved our class.  We enjoyed a tectonic plate activity with crackers and cream – we actually enjoyed eating the tectonic plates and the magma!!  We identified the Pacific Ring of Fire on a world map.  We watched a volcano erupt.  We witnessed the devastation to Pompeii after Mount Vesuvius erupted.  We learned about the 2015 flood in our own town, Peebles and how there is still some damage visible.  There was a little drama to explain a tsunami and we got to practise a drill to keep safe during an earthquake – Drop, Cover and Hold.   There was also a quiz at the end to see if we had been paying attention!

Well done  Primary 7 and thank you.   You have worked very hard on  your presentations.  You explained everything clearly and enthusiastically.  It was great seeing you demonstrate and apply your knowledge and understanding.  This has also helped to reinforce key learning involved in our topic on Natural Disasters too.

Delicious Tattie Scones with Forsyth’s chipolata sausages

We used 250 g of potatoes, 25 g of butter, 50 g of self raising flour and a pinch of salt.  We mixed all the ingredients together and then rolled it out.  We then made triangles for our scones.

Rana  – It felt fun mixing everything up with our hands.  The chipolatas were good with a little bit of ketchup.

Charlie – These were the tastiest tattie scones ever.  Thank you Forsyths for giving us the amazing chipolatas.

Frazer – These wonderful tattie scones were really fun to make and delicious to eat.

George – The chipolatas we good along with the super potato scones.

Lewis – It felt so weird when you mixed the potatoes, butter and flour together.



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