All posts by Miss Nicholson

Take a Moment Thistles

This week P7 took some time to relax and focus on sketching skills.

Skipper tells us that sometimes we need to take a moment to help us cope with our emotions. Drawing and sketching is a great way to relax and calm ourselves down.

P7 focused on their sketching skills by following Mrs Littleā€™s wonderful Sketches School tutorial to create these beautiful thistle pictures on their iPads.


Reflections on 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. We have all had experiences that have challenged us but also had positive opportunities that would not have occurred otherwise. Think about these questions and reflect on the year of 2020.

  1. What challenged you this year – be specific!

  2. What positives came out of this year for you?

  3. What did you learn from this year?

  4. What is your hope for 2021?

Chocolate Data Challenge

There has been lots of excitement in class since we found out we were taking on the Chocolate Data Challenge.

First we had to collect the data on how many varieties of chocolates there were in our tub and then show the results in a table.

Next we surveyed the class to find out which chocolate each person would choose as their favourite. This was not easy as we all had different brands!

We then made a comparison graph to display the data we had collected. We compared the amount of each type in our box with the ones that people liked best.

After that, we analysed our data to answer questions from Mrs Brown. We shared our findings with the class. We found that the chocolate which occurs most in the box is usually the heaviest and not the favourite. Lots of us had different favourites though so this could vary.

Our final task was probably the hardest!! We had to divide the chocolates equally between our group so we all went home with the same amount but had to decide on how we could each get the chocolates we preferred. It was not as simple as just dividing up the chocolates and we came up with lots of different ways to do this so it was fair and kind. Ā We definitely wonā€™t be eating them all at once!

P7B iPad Challenge

We tried some fun iPad challenges today. Our first was to find the letters of our name in the classroom and take photos of them. We then edited them and created a new wallpaper for our iPads.

Our second was to create an emoji quiz for our classmates. We created sayings, movies, songs etc with emojis and shared them with others who had to guess what they meant.

Have a go at some of them and comment if you can solve them!


11.12.20 P7B Review of the Week

We’ve been balancing working very hard with some Christmas fun in P7.

We’ve been creative with iPad and outdoor art, made our own version of the 12 Days of Christmas and completed Christmas reading comprehension. We have also been learning about adding and subtracting decimals, completing our information report assessment and spelling sh and ci words.

  1. What have you enjoyed most?
  2. Where did you do better than expected this week?
  3. What are you looking forward to next week?

Scavenger Art

Today we tried some scavenger art. We discussed the importance of respecting nature and not taking anything that was alive and still growing. We collected what we wanted to use and created some beautiful winter scenes using what we had scavenged. We photographed the pictures on our iPads and cropped them to fit. Some people used the editing features to add a filter.Ā Once we had photographed our finished pictures, we put everything back outside to allow it to decompose or be used for habitat over the winter.


12 Sketches of Christmas Days 1-4

We have been enjoying Inspire Learningā€™s 12 Sketches of Christmas tutorials on their YouTube Channel. We used the sketching app and have been learning about the different tools and the effects that can be created. We have started them in class and finished them off in our own time. We would like to share some of the ones we are most proud of.


P7B Review of the Week 4.12.20

The start of December has arrived and the school is looking fantastic. We have been busy decorating our door which is almost finished so we will post a photo next week. We have been reading a new Christmas novel by Matt Haig called A Boy Called Christmas and it has been getting us in the Christmas mood. Here are some of the other things we have been doing –

  • Fractions jigsaw
  • Writing the 12 days of Covid-Christmas
  • Spellavator Wars for the phoneme/graphemes c, k, ck, cc
  • Decimals ladder battle
  • Making Christmas cards for the Royal Voluntary Service to deliver to elderly people who might be alone at Christmas
  • Using the spreadsheet app on our iPads to input data and create appropriate graphs
  • Starting the 12 sketches of Christmas using the inspire learn tutorials on youtube
  1. What have you enjoyed the most this week?

  2. What are you most looking forward to before the end of term?

  3. What global goal did your learning help you to address this week?

P7B Review of the Week

This week our highlights have been –

  • Information reports on Social Bite
  • Creating bar models to help us with our fractions
  • Doing our Christmas display for Mrs Ryalls
  • Making heathy eating adverts using drama
  • Testing ear protectors in science
  • Creating line graphs for the average temperature in our favourite place in the world

Review your week using these questions –

  1. What bit of learning was most valuable?

  2. What learning do you want to do more of?

  3. What did you most enjoy doing?

  4. What global goals did you learn about this week?