
P5 Weekly Review by Hope and Martha

We have had lots of fun in class this week…

We created some excellent mini beasts using Miss Binkle’s, from our class novel, as our inspiration.

We also learnt some more playground games and we all loved the game Cops and Robbers. Mrs Smith was proud to see us teaching this to other classes in the playground.

In my maths we have started learning about subtraction and we have been playing lots of dice games with our partners. We are learning different strategies to help us tackle takeaway problems.

In writing we have been writing a description based on a character who joins our class. This new boy is rather different though as he has wings and claws!

We have also been learning more about 3D shapes and creating our own perspective art using different 2D shapes and turning these into 3D shapes with our vanishing points.

Our new class novel is called The Famous Five and Me and at the end of each chapter the book asks us what we think should happen next so we can create our own story.

In spelling we have been learning about long ‘i’ and twice this week we have won against Mrs Smith in the rhyming challenge. We are getting really good at it.

What have you enjoyed this week?

roald dahl day fun

We read an extract from James and the Giant Peach and then made our own peach crumble.  While the crumble was cooking we also designed some new characters to live in the peach with James. It was great fun and we loved trying our crumble at the end of the day!