Important Announcement for P5

Hello Boys and Girls,

I didn’t manage to catch you before you left at the end of the day but I have managed to reset  your GLOW passwords (for those of you who asked).

You temporary password is:


You will then be prompted to put in a new password after this.

Have a super holiday and take care.

Mrs Smith

Skeleton Shapes

We had a great time using straw to make skeletons of the 3D shapes that we have been learning about in class. They really helped us to explore the shape and talk about the edges, vertices and faces.

Check out some of our excellent shapes below…

Our Senses: Touch

This week we explored our final sense which was about touch. We found out about what your skin does and took part in a paperclip experiment where your partner had to close their eyes and you had to touch different areas of your partners skin with ends of a paperclip and see if they could feel one or two of the ends. We got a mixture of results with some areas feeling one and others feeling two. That is because different parts of your body have more or fewer touch receptors and sometimes you can’t feel everything that’s in contact with your skin.


We also went on a scavenger hunt after brunch to find different textures and discuss how they felt on our skin.

Maths Week

Yesterday we took part in a live lesson which was linked to our maths topic on 3D shape  and their properties. The ladies who were running the session talked to us about our maths fitness and how this is very like P.E. fitness and that we have to practise (exercise) lots of times to build up new skills. If we are stuck at something then our friends can give us tips/ advice but shouldn’t just tell us the answer as just like at P.E. if you were learning to do sit ups and someone just did it for you it wouldn’t increase your fitness or help you in anyway.

We were shown how to make origami cubes using 6 different parts. It was very tricky at first but our class origami enthusiast John managed to figure it out first and then gave tips to other people who were then able to help others. It demonstrated great team and perseverance among the class. Well done everyone. Maybe you could teach someone at home how to make these.

See Mrs Brown’s links below for videos of more origami to try at home.

Weekly Review 2/10/20 P6/5

This week we finished our alternative front covers for Max and the Millions. We had great fun completing this task and the 2 winning designs voted for by the class are above. Well done Coco and Rudi.

We have also enjoyed:
-writing a description about a fantasy setting. We learned about similes and how to use them to up-level our descriptions.
-learning origami and making cubes. It was a challenging lesson and some of us were stuck in the learning pit for a while. We all make it out though. This was part of an online, live lesson.

If you would like to watch the lesson again, here is the link:

You can only watch until Thursday.

-making skeletons of 3D shapes using straws and Plasticine
-P.E. where we watched a video clip of an athlete to help us with our jumping and relay skills.
-learning about the sense of touch. We explored the playground on a touch scavenger hunt.
-Art. We have been learning to draw bugs. We hope to have a display up with these next week. Look out for photos.

Maths Week – P5/6

Today we took part in a live maths lesson with many other schools across the country as part of maths week.

We were challenged to think about our knowledge of 3D shapes. We had to use origami to create a cube.

We learned how important the “learning pit” was. Most of us failed the first time and we had to try again. We needed to use a number of strategies to support as. We had to keep a positive mindset throughout in order to be successful.


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