All posts by Mrs Brown


Today we watched a live performance of the Lorax from The Old Vic Theatre. We all really enjoyed it. It looks at important issues around sustainability which are also currently being discussed at the COP 26 meeting in Glasgow.


We have had a busy but enjoyable 1st week back. We are looking forward to exploring our rainforest topic in more detail over the next few weeks. What are you looking forward to this block?

Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith

We really enjoyed our live lesson today. We had to think about app design and began creating our own app. We had some great ideas and are looking forward to spending some more time working on the design.


We have been learning about resilience this week. We challenged ourselves to create card castles and used Mrs Ward’s assembly as inspiration for a card throwing challenge. We had to be very resilient  in order to keep going and not give up when things got hard.

P6 Weekly Review

Another busy week here in P6. We have:

-Revisited addition in maths

-Learned about 3D shapes and created skeletons using matchsticks and plastecine. We had to show resilience in this task.

-Researched Dame Kelly Holmes in order to write a description text next week.

-Learned about the artist Frida Kahlo and have started to create a portrait using her style.

-Continued our class novel and answered literal, evaluative and inferential questions.

-Learned about the importance of honesty and looked at one of Aesop’s Fables, “The boy who cried wolf” to explore this further.

-Focused on the short “i” sound in spelling.

-We looked at tension in science and exploired how tension is important for athletes who run using blades in the paralympics.

Leave a comment below to say one thing you enjoyed this week and why.

Mrs Brown and Mrs Smith