Review of the week – 19/3/21

The first week back is complete!

Comment below to tell us what you have enjoyed most.

Mrs Brown, Mrs Smith and Mrs Musgrave

27 thoughts on “Review of the week – 19/3/21”

  1. I enjoyed making the paper chairs for the monsters because it was fun making the different parts for the chair 🙂🥸

  2. I am really happy 😆 because everyone is so nice . I really enjoy writing and mental maths, this school is THE KING 👑 OF SCHOOLS!

  3. This week I enjoyed learning about the clock, and how each number has a partner, and they all add up to 12! There are two sides to the clock, the past and the to. We were doing our acrostic poem for Mrs Wilson’s retirement. We have all worked as a team and shared. ⭐️From Willow⭐️

  4. I learned to play old maid it was really fun and we all worked together.

    My favourite thing that I did this week was doing playing playground games and it was really fun.

  5. My favourite thing this week has been doing an acrostic poem
    Because I enjoyed making it i have also learned about the clock.

  6. This week I enjoyed learning how to play old maid it was very fun and learning about the clock and the pairs in the clock all add up to 12.


  7. I learned to do a similes poem and enjoyed play old made and the character I did with the similes poem was the grinch.

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