All posts by Mrs Collins

It’s all about number 9

This week in P1 we are focussing on the number 9. We are learning to form number 9 correctly using our rhyme and thinking about where it sits in the number line, which number comes after 9 and before 9, 1 more than 9 and 1 less than 9.

Today we were counting out 9 cubes and using our nine cubes in different ways.

  As a chair

  As a bridge

  As a chair  and table


 As a bed

g for goose

Michael’s bag was full of things beginning with our new sound “g”, green grass, gorilla, goat, Goldilocks. Mrs Collins told us a story about a goose that laid golden eggs. We then made our own goose to take home to help us learn the “g” sound.






Number Formation

In Primary 1 we have been continuing to work hard on writing our  numbers. We have been using our rhymes to help us form numbers 8   and 9……

Make a s and do not wait when you get back you’ve made an 8!

Curly c then a line that’s how you make a number 9!




Primary 1 have been continuing to focus on being a good friend. We shared what we enjoyed doing with friends and what makes our friends special. We thought about how we should treat each other, by ……being kind, listen to each other and use nice words, helping each other, smiling and sharing with each other. We are going to try and be good friends.

Feeling Scared

In P1 today we were thinking about things we were scared of.  Some of us were scared of the dark, loud fireworks, bad dreams, starting new things and dark shadows. We talked about what our body does  and how we look  when we are scared. We used these ideas to create our plasticine faces and then shared the story of our picture with Mrs Collins.




Today we were thinking about the sounds we can hear at the beginning of words. We had to look at the object, say the word and then write down the sound we could hear at the start of the word on our whiteboards. We then had to match words with the same initial sound.