Langloan Primary School

February 25, 2022
by Mrs Brennan

Our experiments

We have been exploring the world around us and how natural disasters occur. We experimenting with different materials. We made our own volcano, lava jar and tornado in a bottle. We hope you enjoy our experiments as much as we enjoyed making them.

February 11, 2022
by Mrs Brennan

Gym Time


We had great fun at the gym hall, Nicola created an obstacle course where we were able to move our bodies in different directions and positions.

February 10, 2022
by Mrs Paterson

Class MS Team Posts

Dear Pupils, Parents/Carers,

We would like to remind our pupils, parents/carers that the Microsoft Teams pages for each class should be used solely for engaging in homework and for educational matters. If you require advice or support with any other matter, please contact the school office and make an appointment with the class teacher or a member of the management team.

We appreciate your assistance in this area.

Mrs Paterson


February 10, 2022
by Mrs Paterson

NLC Make It Right Campaign

NLC have been working with a team of young people over the last few months to develop and create a campaign that highlights what children’s rights are and what we can all do to help recognise, respect, support and promote them. This is why the young people called the campaign Make it Right – so people can support children’s rights and do what they can to make it right for them.

North Lanarkshire Youth Council carried out research among young people last year which said that although 96% of young people knew they had rights, only 38% said they knew what the UNCRC was or what the rights actually were.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) sets out the fundamental rights for children. It’s a complete statement of children’s rights and outlines the civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights that all children are entitled to.

These rights can be categorised as:

  • survival rights
  • protection rights
  • developmental rights
  • participation rights

The UNCRC is the most widely ratified treaty in the world and its 54 articles cover all aspects of a child’s life and take into account the best interests of children.

All of the rights are:

  • universal
  • inalienable
  • indivisible
  • interdependent

We need to make sure that everyone knows what children’s rights are and that we recognise, respect, support and promote them.

Pass it on: Share the Campaign

If you want to find out more about the Make it Right Campaign and Children’s Rights please visit Pass it on: share the campaign | North Lanarkshire Council


February 7, 2022
by Mrs Paterson

Covid Restrictions Update

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I’m pleased to say that as of, Tuesday 8th February, we can revert to our normal start and finish times of; 8.55am to 3pm.There is now no requirement for class bubbles and our morning break will return to 10.15am and lunch will commence from 12.30pm for all pupils.

There is also no requirement for bubbles in our nursery. We will revert back to our normal start and finish times: 9am to 3pm.kind regards

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