Langloan Primary School

October 22, 2020
by Mrs Brennan

Parachute fun

We had lots of fun outside using our parachute. We all took turns to be part of our game. We were so patient as we waited on our turn!

October 9, 2020
by gw17glencrossnicole2@glow

Mindful colouring

The children in Room 2 had a peaceful morning learning about the benefits of being mindful and taking part in some mindful colouring.

They concentrated so hard on their pictures as you can see!

October 9, 2020
by Miss Mackenzie

Room 6 Readerpillar! πŸ› πŸ“š

This year, Room 6 are aiming to read lots and lots of interesting books! So far, we have read 200! 🀩

Well done everyone! Remember to let me know on your reading assignments if you have read any books at home. I will add them to our total!

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October 8, 2020
by Mrs Brennan

Autumn πŸ‚ πŸ¦”

We have been exploring Autumn in nursery. Today we looked at hedgehogs. We found out some interesting facts about them. We then designed our own hedgehogs and named them. Why not ask your child what they have learned. πŸ¦”πŸ¦”

October 7, 2020
by Miss Mackenzie

Room 6 Stop Motion

The children in Room 6 have been working hard on planning and creating their very own stop motion animations. We were inspired by the movie “Fantastic Mr. Fox”. I am so impressed with how well the boys and girls did! Here is an excellent example by Kyla and Ethan. Keep an eye out for more on our class Teams page!


October 6, 2020
by gw17glencrossnicole2@glow

Bird feeders

The children in room 2 created their own bird feeders this afternoon. The children discussed why these feeders are so helpful for wild birds during the cold and frosty weather. Maybe some squirrels will have a bite to eat too!

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