Langloan Primary School

March 26, 2021
by Mrs Waddell

Room 9 – Wear a Hat Day

Room 9 joined Wear a Hat day to help raise awareness of Brain Tumours.  We  are doing this in support of Mrs Paterson’s daughter Katie.  We continue to send all our positive thoughts to Team Paterson from the Langloan Family.

March 22, 2021
by Miss Burrows

Wear a Hat Day – 26th March 2021

Everyone at Langloan has come together to offer support, positive thoughts and prayers for Mrs Paterson’s daughter Katie, who is currently undergoing treatment for a brain tumour.  The family are overwhelmed at the kindness that has been shown to them and wanted to pass on their thanks.

We would like to extend this support to help Brain Tumour Research.  ‘Wear a Hat Day 2021’ takes place on Friday 26th March and we would like to encourage our pupils to raise awareness by wearing a hat to school.  We will not be collecting donations at the school but if you would like to donate please do so by clicking on the link below:


Many thanks for your continued support.

March 11, 2021
by Mrs Green

Return to school for all pupils

Return to school
P4 – P7 pupils will be returning to school on Monday 15th March.

Please note  the start & finish times and zones for all classes.

Please note these times may have changed for the pupils currently attending school.

08.45am – 2.45pm

Room 1, Room 3, Room 4 ~ ZONE 1
Room 8, Room 9, Room 10 ~ ZONE 2

09.00am – 3.00pm

Room 2, Room 6 ~ ZONE 1
Room 5, Room 7 ~ ZONE 2

ZONE 1 ~ in front of school
ZONE 2 ~ at dinner hall entrance.

Parents are requested to maintain social distancing at the school gates and not to enter the school playground.

We are looking forward to welcoming all our children back to school.

During Covid we would appreciate if all bikes, scooters etc are left at home and not brought into school.

Thank you for your continued co-operation

March 3, 2021
by Mrs Green

Return to School

All being well we expect all of our pupils will be returning to school on Monday 15th March.

Please refer to the start/finish times and zones for all.

These may have changed from current times;

08.45am – 2.45pm

Room 1, Room 3, Room 4 ~ ZONE 1
Room 8, Room 9, Room 10 ~ ZONE 2

09.00am – 3.00pm

Room 2, Room 6 ~ ZONE 1
Room 5, Room 7 ~ ZONE 2

ZONE 1 ~ in front of school
ZONE 2 ~ at dinner hall entrance.

We are looking forward to having all our children back in school.

Stay Safe

March 3, 2021
by Miss Burrows

World Book Day 2021

Thursday 4th of March is World Book Day.  Unfortunately  we cannot celebrate the same way we usually would, however we would like to invite children, who are currently attending school, to come dressed in casual clothes.  If your child is learning at home there are a range of live events taking place for them to take part in.  These can be accessed via the World Book Day website, click of the link for more information



March 1, 2021
by Miss Burrows

Information for parents/carers of isolating pupils

The safety of our school community continues to be a priority as the current Lockdown restrictions are slowly eased.  In Langloan we continue to follow guidance from the Scottish Government to minimise the risk of COVID-19 to your child and all staff.  The measures we have in place are consistently reviewed and adapted to meet the challenges of an ever changing situation.  Despite our best efforts, there will be occasions when children will have to self-isolate.

NL Virtual School is the primary online learning platform which will be available in the event of following:

  • If members of your child’s class (bubble) are sent home to self-isolate due to a positive COVID-19 case.
  • If your child has to self-isolate if you or an immediate family member has COVID-19.

NL Virtual School is an interactive classroom which provides your child with learning and activities for Literacy, Numeracy, STEM and Health & Wellbeing.  Instructions on how to access this resource have been uploaded to the TEAMS page of each class.  This will be supplemented with specific tasks e.g. weekly spelling words, which again will be shared on the class TEAMS page.  Your child will also have access to Sumdog Challenges to allow them to practise skills and build their fluency.

Where individual pupils or groups of pupils need to isolate but the remainder of the peer group are in school, the remote education provided will differ from that of the lockdown learning you have become familiar with. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.  Your child’s class teacher will be teaching and will therefore not be as readily available throughout the school day as before.  Every effort will be made to respond to queries directed through the School Office and Teams as quickly as possible.

Your continued support is appreciated.

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