Langloan Primary School

September 30, 2020
by Miss Burrows

P6 – Wonder

P6 are reading the novel Wonder in class.  We wanted to share a precept with you which we are all trying to follow…..’When given the choice between being right and being kind, CHOOSE KIND.’

September 30, 2020
by Mrs Paterson


It has been brought to my attention that some parents are finding it difficult to sign more than one child onto the TEAMS app.  I have been notified that the app does not support multiple accounts from the same organisation. … Continue reading

September 29, 2020
by Mrs Paterson


Our homework programme starts today! Due the ongoing pandemic all homework this year is digital. We are using Microsoft Teams to set tasks/assignments.  All homework will be posted on a Monday and will be due in on a Thursday. Every … Continue reading

September 23, 2020
by Mrs Paterson

Digital Devices

Dear Parent/Carer, As you are aware our homework programme will begin next Tuesday after the September weekend. In preparation for this we have asked all parents/carers to download Microsoft Teams onto any device they have available to them.  This could … Continue reading

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