Langloan Primary School

Important Back to School Information


Hello and Happy New Year to all of our pupils,  parents/carers and local community. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have enjoyed the festive break.

Following a severe rise in Covid cases, a meeting with the Chief Executive took place in NLC today. As a result, we now have several measures that will be reimplemented as of Monday for our pupils return to school. Please read the following information carefully and make note of the changes.

Start/Finish Times 

We have been asked to revert back to our staggered drop off and collection times as well as staggered break and lunch times. Please see the information below for each class including the nursery. The nursery will return to two bubbles, one in each room of the nursery. Playground zones will also return with classes being allocated zones to line up in and play in.

8.45am- 2.45pm

The following classes will start at 8.45am and should be collected at 2.45pm:-

Room 1 & Room 3 (Zone one- Front of the school)

Room 8, Room 9 & Room 10 ( Zone 2- Outside Dinner Hall)


The following classes will start at 9am and should be collected at 3pm:-

Room 2 & Room 6 (Zone one- Front of the school)

Room 5 & Room 7 ( Zone 2- Outside Dinner Hall)


Our nursery sessions will be 9am-3pm. A one way system will be in operation with nursery parents/carers being encouraged to use the bottom gate and following the ramp . Please maintain and adhere to social distancing guidelines while waiting to drop your child off. A member of the nursery staff will greet you at the door and direct your child to the appropriate room.

Advice for Parents/Carers

The safety of our pupils, parents/carers and our staff in extremely important to us. Please help us by:-

1. Dropping your child off at their scheduled start time and leaving the area promptly.
2. Wearing a mask when dropping off and collecting your child unless you are exempt.
3. Staying out of  the school playground. If you need to discuss something with your child’s class teacher, please phone the school and make a scheduled appointment.
4. Collecting your child at their scheduled finish time and leaving the area promptly.
5. Adhering to social distancing when dropping off and collecting your child.

Your help and support in this matter is greatly appreciated. The information above will be in place for the foreseeable future and we will continue to keep you informed as and when changes are made.

Thank you,

Mrs Paterson


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