Langloan Primary School

Information for parents/carers of isolating pupils


The safety of our school community continues to be a priority as the current Lockdown restrictions are slowly eased.  In Langloan we continue to follow guidance from the Scottish Government to minimise the risk of COVID-19 to your child and all staff.  The measures we have in place are consistently reviewed and adapted to meet the challenges of an ever changing situation.  Despite our best efforts, there will be occasions when children will have to self-isolate.

NL Virtual School is the primary online learning platform which will be available in the event of following:

  • If members of your child’s class (bubble) are sent home to self-isolate due to a positive COVID-19 case.
  • If your child has to self-isolate if you or an immediate family member has COVID-19.

NL Virtual School is an interactive classroom which provides your child with learning and activities for Literacy, Numeracy, STEM and Health & Wellbeing.  Instructions on how to access this resource have been uploaded to the TEAMS page of each class.  This will be supplemented with specific tasks e.g. weekly spelling words, which again will be shared on the class TEAMS page.  Your child will also have access to Sumdog Challenges to allow them to practise skills and build their fluency.

Where individual pupils or groups of pupils need to isolate but the remainder of the peer group are in school, the remote education provided will differ from that of the lockdown learning you have become familiar with. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.  Your child’s class teacher will be teaching and will therefore not be as readily available throughout the school day as before.  Every effort will be made to respond to queries directed through the School Office and Teams as quickly as possible.

Your continued support is appreciated.

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