Hi P7 Parents/Carers
I have been sent some useful information from Coatbridge High School with regards to transition for our P7 pupils. I will attach the information below for you to share with your child. I have given you a link to the CBH school blog, this contains lots of up to date information. CBH sent a Meet the Departments document, which I have also linked below. I have also provided links to a virtual tour of CBH, which was recorded over three parts and can also be found on the CBH school twitter account.
Transition periods can be a daunting and scary time for some pupils so it is important to talk with your child about how they are feeling and to spend time going through resources together. Myself, Mrs Waddell and Mrs Smith are also happy to help in any way we can to try and alleviate any fears or concerns you may have as a parent or any worries your child may have. You can send your enquiries to elainepaterson@langloan.n-lanark.sch.uk.
As it stands I only have information from CBH at the moment and will post information from St Ambrose and St Andrew’s when I have it. Over the next week or so we will be posting more general transition resources that you can work on with your child. Staff are finalising some of the details before we share it with you.
Mrs Paterson