Lockdown Writing Ideas

Instructions: Paper Aeroplane

Write instructions to make a paper aeroplane, don’t just copy text from the internet. Write your own. Or you could make a comic or movie with some instruction. If you are writing you will need lots of pictures. You could make a presentation with Keynote. Remember you will need a list of materials and equipment.

See the Features of Instructional/ Procedural Writing  and remember to look at the ideas for making paper aeroplanes on this post.

Here is my example.

 Fun Poetry

Try writing the types of poem that Joseph Coelho explains in the video. One with onomatopoeia an one with nonsense. Have fun, say them out loud, try recording them if you can.

Recount or report

Write a recount or report. Think of something you have done since lockdown began where you have learnt something you would not have learnt in school. Here are the Features of a Good Recount.

Share a Book

I’d still love to see this, not many folk did it (or shared it if they did) last week.

Choose a book you have read during lockdown and tell us about it. Think of an interesting way to do this. You could make a comic, record your voice, create a presentation, make a movie or even write about it.

Don’t just try and do this quickly, take your time and make a really good job of it. Start one day, look at what you have done the next and see if you can make it better.

Quick Ideas

Look out your window, write a poem on what you see.

Look at some of the pictures on Images to Inspire
Try some of the activities.

North Lanarkshire Learning hub are having literacy challenges, you could give them a go.

Narrative Writing: Continue a book.

Wee Books

Make a wee book or zine. Remember how to fold the book. Here is a great Youtube video if you have forgotten:

Author: John Johnston

I am a teacher, currently working in Banton Primary for North Lanarkshire Council. I also act as Product Owner/provide support for Glow Blogs.

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