The Biggies took advantage of the good weather to take some photos in the playground this morning. We then wrote poems to go with them.
Playground trees
This morning we were finding out about the trees in our playground.
We measured the height of trees with our clinometers.
We measured the circumferences of the trees and used a webpage to estimate how old the trees were.
We took photos of the trees, their leaves, bark and fruit.
Skills: maths skills: measuring, calculation to find out the heights. Team work. Taking pictures. Web browsing.
Sheepy maths
I made a sheepy maths game in pyonkee and this is a video of it.
Walk to Dows woods
Yesterday we were at Dow’s woods. Mr and Mrs Carter came in so we could go down to look at insects.
He told us what three ways a seed can spread. The first way is when the wind carry’s it away like the rose berry willow herb. The second way is an animal a squirrel can eat a seed and poop it out or burry and forget about it. The last way it pops like the gorse bush. In the spring they have yellow flowers and they smell like coconuts, they have black seeds pods that pop open and spread the seeds.
One thing that I really liked was when I saw a caterpillar not just any caterpillar a fuzzy one that looked like it had two eyes on its side but it did not. I found it on a leaf and I scooped it into my tub I did not name it, I released it when we were going to go back to school.
The second thing I found interesting was when we caught a lot of baby toads and we caught a frog at one point, I got to hold one of the baby toads remember to wet your hands first! I let it go and hop it went into the grass!
I really liked looking at all the bug like the spiders, butterflies and the ladybugs. I also really loved seeing the trees my favourite tree we saw was the beech because I like the way the seeds looked.
In conclusion I really liked Dows woods because I like looking at the bugs and nature. I love getting closeups of the insects I think they are interesting. We saw hundreds of mushrooms my favourite one was the Fly Agaric toadstool.
Banton shop (MSC Loudens): Vote for us
There’s a new shop in Banton and it’s got lots. Every 2 weeks on Sunday it gets restocked. It was opened by a man called Mark Louden.
Anyway you can get your everyday stuff like milk water food even sweets and it’s child friendly so no alcohol or anything that is not child friendly.
There’s a competition of a logo for it so you go in the shop and there’s drawings on the walls there the logos.
You can vote for one and the one with the most votes wins. And all of them were made by Banton Primary by the primary 4’s 5’s 6’s and 7’s.
Life of a duck – Islay
Bye Bye Biggies
It is the end of term. The last of the Biggies will be leaving although many will return next session to be Biggie again!
Here is what I’ve been most proud of this session I am giving:
- Heather An award for having a great imagination and the skills to share your ideas in drawing and writing.
- Fulton An Award for your great smile. A bonus one for your art work, you should admit you are an artist!
- Jonah An award for your mental maths, you can explain how you partition and move numbers around to find an answer.
- Rhea What a smile! An award for becoming a lot more independent over primary 4
- Aaron An award for the best questions, you are always wondering and thinking, great for your learning.
- Rylan An award for most improvement in Art in the shortest time. Keep slowing down!
- Alana An award for always working hard and enjoying the work you produce. Dream Catcher Champ.
- Jessica An award for creative thinking. I Love the art.
- Hannah An award for working to improve and enjoying your learning. You will kill p6!
- Max An award for bringing your own ideas to the table. Bonus for when you work them through! Magazine Master!
- Emily An award for independent learning. You drawing has improved by your own hard work. Animal artist of the year!
- Logan An award for your sense of humour. Bonus for joining in more and more in P6
- Islay Attitude award, always learning, alway trying!
- Aaliyah An award for enthusiasm and bringing your ideas and finding into to school everyday!
- Jack An award for being the Times Table King! fastest in Class!
- Colin An award for best meme. Creative words in poetry too.
- Zara An award for careful detail in all of your work. Beautiful Art.
- Emma An award for self awareness. Great understanding of your own learning. Most thoughtful e-Portfolio posts.
Mayfly larva
🎉The summer edition of the Basher is out today🎉
Hannah, Rhea and Max have made the summer edition of the Banton Basher. It is 50p and it has got more pages than the last one.
If you want one bring your 50p in by Thursday the 28th of June 2018.
Burn adventure
Burn adventure
Today the biggies went on an adventure to a burn in Banton. The burn was at our teacher assistants garden which was massive. As soon as we got there we took of our shoes or trainers and put on wellies because it was very went and slippery even though the sun was out and everyone nearly died in the heat of the sun.
After that we went into the very shallow burn where we thought there would be nothing so the we picked up our nets and went into the burn in our groups. In our groups we had lots of fun and found lots of disturbing, disgusting also weird creatures and bugs. At the end we regrouped and headed over to a brick wall where we put down a container that was filled with water and creatures where half of the stuff we never even knew what they were. We looked at everyone’s containers to see what bugs and creatures we all found in our groups and the most disturbing creatures that we found was in Emily’s and Aaliyah’s tub. Heather heard some grasshoppers and there was loads but we could only hear them not see them. After a bit of an adventure in the grass looking for them heather finally fought one and we got a container and put it in there gently and put a lid on it so we could see then after 10minutes she released it back into the wild.
Mrs. Gray the teacher’s assistant bought lots of food and drink she bought diluted juice for us and crisps and lollies that were tiny and still took us a long, long time to finish. Then she gave us even more sweeties and it was soooooo generous of her.
When we had all cooled down and finished we went back out to play in the boiling hot sun and we took out different equipment, there was a parachute and a rugby ball also a tiny ball for hand ball that everybody loved and didn’t use for hand ball. After quite a lot of chaos we packed up and nearly left but then there were Mrs. Gray’s dogs that were the cutest and most of us couldn’t resist patting them and wanting to take them home there was a pug called Freddy and two westies that were so cuddly and fluffy after a lot of persuading we left and we were about to die of heat and soreness on the way back eventually we made it!!!
By Emily and Emma 🤩🌺🦄🦗