Harvest Assembly

Today we went to the school hall to do a harvest assembly and we all took are places and action we started. The back row stood up and starting with a introduction Emily and Aaliyah did that and then we started.

And we started talking about thanking people for bringing in the food for this assembly. The biggies made some fruit and vegetables art inspired by Arcimboldo. We sang big red combine harvester. Then the p4 and 3’s made little poems and sang harvest samba. Then finally the p1’s and 2’s sang dingle dangle scarecrow. Then Mr Macanaly said some words.

At the end we sung our school song the clapped and then Mrs McLoud talked about how well we did. The parents, grandparents and guests went got some food and drink.

Be bright be seen

Friday the 12th of October 2018.

Today the JRSO’s (junior road safety officers) Me and Jessica organised a be bright be seen day for the end of term. This was because in October it’s is be bright be seen month. A couple of days ago me and Jessica wrote a letter to Mrs McLeod then Mrs Rae told Mrs McLeod and that’s what we are doing today. We are going to do a word search and make a t-shirt.

The assembly was better than we thought it would be but it was nerve racking when we first stood up. We had to talk about wearing bright clothes at night so the drivers can see you crossing the road. Then we watched a power point on what you can wear that is bright like a reflective jackets or a reflective wrist band. And after we watched the power point on people wearing bright clothes we played a game, And the game was about looking to see if the people that where crossing the road where wearing bright clothes.

By your JRSOs Aaliyah and Jessica



Playground trees

This morning we were finding out about the trees in our playground.

We measured the height of trees with our clinometers.
We measured the circumferences of the trees and used a webpage to estimate how old the trees were.
We took photos of the trees, their leaves, bark and fruit.

Skills: maths skills: measuring, calculation to find out the heights. Team work. Taking pictures. Web browsing.

Walk to Dows woods

Yesterday we were at Dow’s woods. Mr and Mrs Carter came in so we could go down to look at insects.

He told us what three ways a seed can spread. The first way is when the wind carry’s it away like the rose berry willow herb. The second way is an animal a squirrel can eat a seed and poop it out or burry and forget about it. The last way it pops like the gorse bush. In the spring they have yellow flowers and they smell like coconuts, they have black seeds pods that pop open and spread the seeds.

One thing that I really liked was when I saw a caterpillar not just any caterpillar a fuzzy one that looked like it had two eyes on its side but it did not. I found it on a leaf and I scooped it into my tub I did not name it, I released it when we were going to go back to school.

The second thing I found interesting was when we caught a lot of baby toads and we caught a frog at one point, I got to hold one of the baby toads remember to wet your hands first! I let it go and hop it went into the grass!

I really liked looking at all the bug like the spiders, butterflies and the ladybugs. I also really loved seeing the trees my favourite tree we saw was the beech because I like the way the seeds looked.

In conclusion I really liked Dows woods because I like looking at the bugs and nature. I love getting closeups of the insects I think they are interesting. We saw hundreds of mushrooms my favourite one was the Fly Agaric toadstool.

Banton shop (MSC Loudens): Vote for us

There’s a new shop in Banton and it’s got lots. Every 2 weeks on Sunday it gets restocked. It was opened by a man called Mark Louden.

Anyway you can get your everyday stuff like milk water food even sweets and it’s child friendly so no alcohol or anything that is not child friendly.

There’s a competition of a logo for it so you go in the shop and there’s drawings on the walls there the logos.
You can vote for one and the one with the most votes wins. And all of them were made by Banton Primary by the primary 4’s 5’s 6’s and 7’s.

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