Spring Study

Throughout Spring Break we are running additional classes for learners in S4-S6 working towards National 5 and Higher qualifications. The full programme of classes is below: Easter School 2021 Final Timetable Full details will also be provided on our new school app, launching in just two days time!

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Additional In-Service Days

As announced by the Scottish Government, there will be two additional in-service days this session (2020-21) to assist in the assessment process. These will take place on the following dates: Tuesday 1st June 2021 Monday 7th June 2021 Please note these are for secondary schools only.

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Summer Break

School has now closed for the summer holidays and will return on Wednesday 12th August 2020. We will continue to update our website and social media channels regarding first day arrangements, which may be subject to change following Scottish Government advice. These can be viewed on the August 2020 page. Until then, keep safe and …

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School Clothing Grants

If you received a grant last year you do not need to apply this year, we will pay you automatically in early July. You must however let us know now if your circumstances have changed such as your bank details or address. Visit our website at www.glasgow.gov.uk/schoolsandlearning to complete an online enquiry form. If you …

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Updated SQA guidance

Hi all, here is a link to the latest guidance and advice regarding the SQA arrangements for this session.  If you follow this link it will take to a letter from the Director of Education. https://www.glasgow.gov.uk/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=49063&p=0

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