Category: News

S4-S6 Open Night, Wednesday 8th February

Our S4-S6 Open Night takes place this coming Wednesday, from 3.45-5.45pm.

All S4-6 parents/carers are invited to speak with their child’s teachers, learn more about the opportunities available for school leavers and discuss the supports which are available to ensure our young people achieve success in Senior Phase.

Appointments sheets were issued to pupils earlier this week.

We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday

Glasgow Schools Young Musicians Competition

Glasgow Schools Young Musicians Competition takes place tomorrow in the City Halls. We have 2 young people competing from LCHS:
Brooke-Angel McGill (vocalist) singing ‘When Winters Gone’ by David Benoit and Jonatan Wiankowski (pianist) playing ‘Fantaisie impromptu’ by Chopin.
Both pupils have put in a tremendous amount of hard work, and they go with our full support. Best of luck! 🤞
#ambition #determination

Supporting Your Child

Parents/Carers play a significant role in ensuring our young people are Ready, Resilient and Safe ✅

There’s lots of support that you can give your child to maximise their potential in school. Attending every day is a huge part of this.

If ever your child can’t attend, please let us know. There are multiple ways to do this. Parents/carers can:


– Call the Absence Line on 0141 287 0039

– Email your child’s Head of House

– WhatsApp our Home School Support Worker, Rachel, on 07500 572 375

– Contact our office directly on 0141 582 0170 Sent from my iPhone

S1 NEC Photos

S1 pupils will have photographs taken for their National Entitlement Cards on Monday 12th December. All pupils have been issued with an application form, which must be completed, signed by a parent/carer, and returned to the school office before this date. This entitled pupils to free bus travel throughout Scotland.