It is with a heavy heart as Head Teacher of Lochend CHS that I want to inform everyone in our school community about the devastating news regarding Connor Markward.
Connor tragically passed away on Friday and our thoughts go out to Connor’s family and friends. We will be passing on our sincere condolences to Connor’s family, and any support we can offer at this very sad time.
Connor was a very popular boy with a great personality who will be missed by all staff and pupils.
As a school community we will be organising support for pupils and staff who will obviously be shocked and stunned at what has happened and further details of this support will be posted on our website, school app and social media outlets.
We will be working with our partners, particularly FARE, to also support families, pupils and staff over these next few weeks and we will discuss as a school what would be the most appropriate way for our school community to commemorate Connor’s time at Lochend CHS.
Connor always in our thoughts.
David McArthur
Head Teacher