Dear Parent/Carer.
Please click on the link below to read the letter sent out last week in relation to the planned industrial action on Wednesday 7th December 2022.
Dear Parent/Carer.
Please click on the link below to read the letter sent out last week in relation to the planned industrial action on Wednesday 7th December 2022.
Dear Parent/Carer,
This newsletter was sent out via our school app and email. If you are not regularly receiving updates, please contact our school office.
On Friday 11th November, Mr Richardson held an assembly for all pupils in S6. You can view the information show here- S6 Assembly 11th Nov (1)
Kooth offer online counselling and mental health support for young people in Glasgow aged 10-16. More information is available in this letter.
Kooth Engagement Sessions Letter Glasgow
There will be an online information session for parents and carers on
Thursday 10th November at 6.30pm-7.30pm which can be booked using the following link:
Dear Parent/Carer,
Please click on the link below to see the presentation shown at the Information Evening .
Supports and Study Skills Evening
If you have any questions, please contact Mr Carson.
This year, the school will be holding a series of mental health awareness events to help support parents and families understand the mental health issues faced by young people, and equip them with tools to build positive mental health. There are six sessions planned to run across the year, with one being held each month. The first session is on Tuesday 8th November 6.30-7.30pm in school and is an introduction to mental health awareness. The letter below provides more information. Please click to find out more!
Mr Richardson has written an update for all parents and carers of S6 pupils. This includes answers to questions arising from parents night and information on support available for university applications.
We have made the information from Mr McFarlane’s recent information evening. It includes lots of useful information including tips on applying to college and university.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Mr Carson sent out a letter this morning via our school app. You can also access it by clicking on the link below:
Parent/Carer updates are sent out on a regular basis via our school app or email. If you are not receiving these please contact our school office. The most recent two updates can also be found below.