Author: Martin

City Orchestras & Bands Now Recruiting

Welcome Back

We are pleased to announce that registration is now open for our FREE city groups, orchestras and ensembles, which will be starting back in just a few weeks time. You can find out more details of our various groups and sign up here. 

We look forward to welcoming returning members and meeting our newest members very soon.


Highland Cathedral Premiere

Tune in tomorrow, Thursday 1st June, at 9.30am for the premiere of our YMI 20th Anniversary project, Highland Cathedral.

2023 is a very special year, as we celebrate twenty years of Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative. We invited primary schools from all over Glasgow to take part and we were overwhelmed by the response to this project. #YMusicMatters #YMIScotland

YouTube player

Scottish Young Musicians 2023

Well done to Caleb Reid from Hillpark Secondary School, who delivered a fantastic performance representing Glasgow in the recent Scottish Young Musicians competition. The competitions are open to every school student in Scotland who sings or plays an instrument, and you can enter as a soloist or an ensemble. Keep an eye out on our website for details of the next competition in 2024. Find out more by visiting


That’s a wrap

With our Spring Series of concerts now behind us, we want to thank all of our young musicians who have taken part in our city-wide groups this year. It has been an absolute pleasure to see and hear the progress, and as I’m sure you will agree, the performances during the concerts were just brilliant.

Our GSSO will continue their rehearsals and residential week in June, culminating in a concert on Wednesday 21st June, so please keep an eye out for more details on that very soon.

In the meantime, we wish you a restful Spring break.

Spring Concerts ‘23

Dear Parent/Carer

Glasgow Schools’ Spring Concerts 2023

The 2023 Spring Concerts will take place in City Halls on Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st March at 7.30pm and Saturday 25th March 12.00pm. Ensembles will perform as follows:

Monday 20th March – (Download Programme)

Symphonic Wind Band, Concert Band, Big Band, Junior Brass Ensemble, Senior Brass Ensemble, GSSO

Tuesday 21st March – (Download Programme)

Baby Strings, Intermezzo Strings, Junior Choir, Senior Choir, Chamber Choir, Percussion Ensemble, String Orchestra, String Sinfonia, GSSO

Saturday 25th March 12pm – Chamber Concert (Download Programme)

Guitar Ensemble, Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, Saxophone Ensemble, String Ensemble


Tickets will go on public sale on Monday 27th February and can be purchased from the Box Office in City Halls and the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. You can also purchase tickets by phoning the ticket line on 0141 353 8000. When purchasing tickets please ensure you ask for tickets for the Glasgow Schools’ Spring Concerts for 20th and 21st March and Glasgow Schools’ Spring Chamber Concert for 25th March.

Please note that all concerts are public events, and that Education Services have no control over the sale/distribution of tickets – tickets for all concerts will be sold on a first come first served basis. Previous concerts have sold out in a matter of days so please ensure you purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Concert Arrangements

Monday 20th March – Concert 7.30pm

All performers should arrive at 15:45 for stage setup and a final seating rehearsal.

Performers should enter via the Stage Door on Albion Street where they will be directed to their dressing room.They will then be escorted to the Grand Hall for a rehearsal. All performers will be supervised from this point until the end of the performance by CREATE staff.

There will be time between the end of the rehearsal and the start of the concert for a meal break, so please bring a packed meal and bottled water to drink.

Tuesday 21st March – Concert 7.30pm

All performers should arrive at 16:45 for stage setup and a final seating rehearsal. Please note we do not have access to the building before 16:45 as the BBCSSO are rehearsing.

All other arrangements for the concert are as per the Monday concert.

Saturday 25th March – Chamber Concert 12.00pm

All performers should arrive at 10.00am for rehearsal and concert set up.

Performers should enter via the Stage Door on Albion Street where they will be directed to their dressing room.They will then be escorted to the Recital Room for rehearsal and set up. All performers will be supervised from 10am until the end of the performance by CREATE Staff.

There will be time between the end of the rehearsal and the start of the concert for a meal break, so please bring a packed meal and bottled water to drink.

Concert Wear

All members should arrive dressed in their concert wear (black shirt & black trousers/skirt (not jeans), black socks and black shoes (not trainers). They will be given a tie therefore shirts/ polo shirts need to have a collar. This tie will be collected after the concerts and must not be taken away.

End of Concert Arrangements

All performers should be collected at the end of the concert (approximately 9.20pm on the 20th and 21st March and approximately 1pm on 25th March) from Albion Street entrance.

Please do not hesitate to contact Pamela Black, ESO, on 07387231777 and remember all information for groups can be found on the CREATE website:

Yours sincerely,

Louise Hamilton (A’Hara)

Quality Improvement Officer – Learning and Teaching

CREATE and Improving our Classrooms

YMI 20th Anniversary Project

2023 is a very special year, as we celebrate twenty years of Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative.
To celebrate, we’re going to focus on the song ‘Highland Cathedral’, which is a long time favourite of Glasgow’s Music Services. We’ve split the song between P1-7 and recorded some videos to help you learn your part. Below you will find teaching videos, backing tracks and lyrics to help you learn your section of the song.
Once you’ve learned this, please record your classes performing alongside the backing tracks. We will collect all your video performances and make them part of city wide digital extravaganza!
We can’t wait to see your performances!
Please send your video to Martin O’Neill ( by the 10th of March 2023.

Section A – P5 & P6

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 


Section A Lyrics

Land of my fathers, we will always be
Faithful and loyal to our own country.
In times of danger we will set you free,
Lead you to glory and to victory.

Section A Backing Track
Section B (Gàidhlig)

Luchdadh a-nuas leabhar-iùil an Tidseir 

Section B Lyrics

Èirich le eudmhorachd, do ghuth is seinn
Anns an Eaglais Mhòr Ghàidhealach, tigh Dhe, an Rìgh.
Saorsa is subhachas do mhuinntir fhèin.
Beannaichte seunta luchd ar tìr ro chaomh.

Section B Backing Track
Section C – P1 & P2

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section C Lyrics

Gone is the past, let us start anew
Let this hope of peace always remain.
Spirit of Scotia be strong and true
Then your children will smile again.

Section C Backing Track
Section D – P7

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section D Lyrics

Hail, Caledonia, to our ancient prayer,
In this Highland Cathedral let our standards bear.
Joining together with one dream to share,
God bless the people of this land so fair.

Section D Backing Track
Section E & G – Everyone

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Sections E & G Lyrics

Rise, Caledonia, let your voices ring
In this Highland Cathedral of our God and King
Whom joy and liberty to all will bring
Come, let your heart with love and courage sing.

Section E Backing Track
Section G Backing Track
Section F – P3 & P4

Downloadable Teacher Resource Pack 

Section F Lyrics

Lonely the exile o’er distant seas,
The home of their birth gone from their eyes.
Bring back their souls o’er the ocean breeze
To the land where their fathers lie.

Section F Backing Track
Backing Tracks
Vocal Reference Guide

Happy New Year!

A warm welcome back to City Halls to all our city ensembles, bands & choirs. Rehearsals resume tomorrow at the usual times. Thursday groups will resume on 12th January. Remember to check the events page to keep up to date with all concert and rehearsal schedules.

CREATE Christmas Concerts 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

Glasgow Schools’ Christmas Concerts 2022 

The 2022 Christmas Concerts will take place in City Halls on Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th December at 7.30pm and Sunday 11th December 2.00pm.

Ensembles will perform on the following evenings. 

Monday 5th 

Symphonic Wind Band, Choirs, Percussion Ensemble, Big Band, String Orchestra, GSSO

Tuesday 6th  

Concert Band, Chamber Choir, Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, String Sinfonia, GSSO

Sunday 11th December 2pm – Chamber Concert 

Junior Brass Ensemble, Senior Brass Ensemble, Flute Choir, Clarinet Choir, Intermezzo Strings


Tickets will go on public sale on Tuesday 8th November and can be purchased online (Monday Tickets | Tuesday Tickets), from the Box Office in City Halls and also at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Patrons can also purchase tickets by phoning the ticket line on 0141 353 8000. When purchasing tickets please ensure you ask for tickets for the Glasgow Schools’ Christmas Concerts for 5th and 6th December and Glasgow Schools’ Christmas Chamber Concert for 11th December) and ensure your child’s ensemble is playing on that date.

Please note that all concerts are public events and that GES have no control over the sale/distribution of tickets – tickets for all concerts will be sold on a first come first served basis. Previous concerts have sold out in a matter of days so please ensure you purchase your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Concert Arrangements 

Monday 5th December – Concert 7.30pm 

GSSO should arrive at 1200 for rehearsal, Percussion Ensemble 1430, Big Band 1500, all remaining performers should arrive at 16.45 for stage setup and a final seating rehearsal.

Performers should enter via the Stage Door on Albion Street where they will be directed to their dressing room. They will then be escorted to the Grand Hall for a rehearsal. All performers will be supervised from this point until the end of the performance by GES Staff.

There will be time between the end of the rehearsal and the start of the concert for a meal break, so please bring a packed tea and bottled water to drink.

Tuesday 6th December – Concert 7.30pm 

All performers should arrive at 17.00 for stage setup and a final seating rehearsal. Please note we do not have access to the building before 1645 as the BBCSSO are rehearsing until 1645.

All other arrangements for the concert are as per the Monday concert.

Sunday 11th December – Chamber Concert 2.00pm 

All performers should arrive at 12noon for rehearsal and concert set up.

Performers should enter via the Stage Door on Albion Street where they will be directed to their dressing room. They will then be escorted to the Recital Room for rehearsal and set up. All performers will be supervised from 11am until the end of the performance by GES Staff.

There will be time between the end of the rehearsal and the start of the concert for a meal break, so please bring a packed lunch and bottled water to drink.

Concert Wear 

All Members should arrive dressed in their concert wear (black shirt & black trousers/skirt (not jeans), black socks and black shoes (not trainers).

End of Concert Arrangements 

All performers should be collected at the end of the concert (approximately 9.20pm on the 5th and 6th December and approximately 3.00pm on 11th December) from Albion Street entrance.   

Please do not hesitate to contact Pamela Black, ESO on 07387231777 should you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Louise Hamilton
Quality Improvement Officer – Creativity and Expressive Arts
Glasgow City Council
Education Services
City Chambers East
40 John Street
Glasgow G1 1JL