Creativity is “the capacity to generate ideas that have value to the individual, to look at familiar things with a fresh eye, to examine problems with an open mind, make connections, learn from mistakes and use the imagination to explore new possibilities. Ultimately creativity is the ability to make the world anew, to shape the future and enrich the here and now.” (Scotland’s Creative Learning Plan)

The development of creativity skills for children and young people is the responsibility of all educators and, in Scotland, the four creativity skills are defined as:

  • Curiosity
  • Open-mindedness
  • Imagination
  • Problem Solving

In partnership with the National Creative Learning Network, Glasgow CREATE promotes creative leadership and supports schools to embed creativity across learning through city wide events and projects involving children, young people and staff. Whilst developing the four creativity skills, we also support children and young people to actively think for themselves and to have the confidence to challenge assumptions with high levels of self-esteem, resilience, and motivation.

CREATE also works closely with Glasgow’s Digital Leaders of Learning and Apple’s Everyone Can Create programme to support schools to equip children and young people with the digital literacy and innovation skills combined with the creativity skills that they need to thrive in our interconnected and ever-changing world.


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