Youth Music Initiative  

The Scottish Government’s Youth Music Initiative (YMI) is a national programme which is administered by Creative Scotland. The YMI creates access to high quality music making opportunities, enables young people to achieve their potential in or through music and supports the development of the sector for the benefit of young people.  For more information visit http://www.creativescotland.com/ymi 

Glasgow CREATE delivers a YMI music programme in all mainstream and ASN primary schools across the city as a partnership between YMI Tutors and Class Teachers.  The core programme, which focusses on children in P1 and 7, covers all areas of the music curriculum and places particular focus on using music to support the development of literacy skills with children in primary 1 and supporting children in primary 7 to develop their music skills in preparation for transition to secondary school. 

A comprehensive CLPL programme is offered to all class teachers, probationer teachers and support staff to increase knowledge, skills and confidence in the delivery of music in the primary classroom. CLPL is also offered to staff working in Early Years establishments to support the implementation of a music and phonological awareness programme. All activities are linked to the Glasgow CREATE Framework for Music which has been designed to facilitate effective skills progression from Early through to Second Level Music as well as develop transferable skills to raise attainment and achievement across the curriculum. 

In addition to the core programme, CREATE YMI offers specialist support in Samba, Guitar, Ukulele, Song and Music Technology. A programme of events is offered to all schools to provide a platform for their young musicians to perform in major venues during the year. The CREATE YMI programme is designed to encourage engagement and participation. 

Visit the CREATE YMI website here

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YMI Contact

For all enquiries, please contact : 

Ailsa Ansell (Principal Teacher – CREATE)

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