Category Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Being Me!


In Glenwood, we celebrate what is special and unique about each and every person. We are all loved and included just for being who we are!

Our Being Me! tree

We had a special Being Me! celebration and invited all our families. We performed some of our favourite songs using Makaton signs. Our songs included our Rights song as we learn all about the rights of all children.

Together with our families we decorated wooden hearts to celebrate what is special and unique about us and to share some of things that are important to us.

My family
My pet cat   


My Eid present list
My Favourite character
My friends
My favourite cuddly toy
My interest in numbers
My love of rainbows
My family

Bereavement in Early Years

by Mrs McGrory

The themes of loss, change, grief and bereavement are challenging ones to discuss with children of any age let alone early years children. Everyone will experience loss at some point in their life. We often don’t approach the subject until we have suffered bereavement and then it can be too difficult to know how to discuss it with a very young child to help them cope with the grief. 

We cannot fully prepare anyone for a bereavement and the strong feelings associated with grief, however, encouraging children to talk openly or express themselves and explore a variety of ways of managing these often difficult emotions can be helpful when they face loss, change or even death. 

In early years we work hard at providing a range of experiences targeting the awareness of loss, grief and bereavement naturally in the centre’s environment. This is done through books, stories, puppets, emotion stones, arts, music and discussions about life cycles of animals and plants.

Each experience we provide is age appropriate and encourages children to listen, talk, express and share their feelings freely. It is so important for children to recognise their emotions, to have their emotions validated and have tools to help them regulate these sometimes overwhelming emotions. 

Simple language such as “look this plant has died, that made me sad. I really liked looking at the plant when it had the beautiful petals and it smelled amazing too.” It is very important when talking to children about death that you use simple and concrete words as children can interpret things very differently. For example “your Grandad is gone”. The child then thinks gone, gone where? Are they coming back? When they don’t come back it can cause the child anxiety because mummy’s gone to the shops …Oh no what happens if she doesn’t come back, like Grandad? It’s helpful to say your Grandad has died and that means we won’t see him again. I hear you gasp and say, you can’t say that to a 3 year old. Yes you can, it avoids confusion.

When talking to your child of the loss or bereavement, take their lead. They may want to know more or just sit with what they have been told. It’s important to care for yourself too as you could also be grieving this loss. If it becomes too much, allow someone else the child trusts to answer any more questions they may have.

I know when my mum died I really struggled and my children and I made a memory box to help us process our loss. We talked together, laughed together and cried together making the box full of our memories we had of this amazing person that we loved. 

All the experiences Glenwood provides can be done at home and we have some helpful resources which are welcome to take home should you need to do so. A group of professionals from across East Renfrewshire created and developed parent pamphlets and activities you can also do with your child and family. These are suitable from birth to high school and are accessible through your centre or school. 

Further information can be found here-

Support for Bereavement or Loss


Meeting Learners Needs- Support for Bereavement and Loss 

If you or a family member require any more information please ask a member of staff.

Our Values – Inclusion

by Mrs Clark

At Glenwood, we value the importance of inclusion for all our children and families, and strive to ensure this is clearly reflected in our nursery environment.  

We provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment that is accessible for all our children, creates a sense of belonging and reflects their individual needs, interests and rights.   

We recognise and celebrate the uniqueness of our children in many ways, including respecting and sharing our different family religions and cultures.  

We are fortunate to have 11 different languages spoken by our community of families which helps to create a richer learning environment.  These include English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Sinhala, Pashto, Punjabi and Vietnamese.

We have a range of fantastic resources, including books and games, that are invaluable in helping to teach our children about different experiences and what makes them unique, valued and respected in relation to culture, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, identity, nationality, religion, and beliefs.

We use a variety of strategies to support our children’s development and enable them to participate in play, such as Makaton as a whole nursery approach to promote and develop language and communication skills.

We adopt a ‘can do’ attitude to ensure that every child can achieve their potential.


by Miss Chrystal

The children were excited when we received a delivery of new resources containing balls and other gym equipment such as skipping ropes and bibs.

We asked the children what they would like to do with our new equipment and they decided that they wanted to play football.  We collated all of their fantastic ideas and then together came up with a plan.

First of all, the children took responsibility for preparing our resources by pumping up the new footballs.


We have been focusing on different skills with the children, such as kicking and stopping the ball, as well as passing and dribbling. This has supported the children to further develop their understanding of the different stages of football.

The children have also been developing their gross motor and teamwork skills working alongside each other in small groups. The children have really enjoyed this block of football and are excited to show their families their talents.


by Miss McCallum

Bookbug promotes positive interactions through telling stories, singing songs, rhymes and play. We have been taking part in sessions over the past few months to help encourage new friendships and develop positive relationships between staff and children.


We have also started our family session within the centre and have loved seeing how many families have joined us so far. Sharing stories, songs and rhymes with your children also have a huge impact on your child’s language development. Taking a few minutes each day to read a story or sing a song will help form positive parent and child relationships and help develop the connections in a child’s brain that promote emotional development. It is also a great way to have fun!


Children as decision makers

We noticed one of our books was torn so we repaired it with sticky tape. Lots of our books were looking tatty so Mrs Brown asked us what books we would like for the nursery.

“I like this kind.”(held up a flap book from the book corner) 

“I like dinosaur books.”

“I have a Yeti story in my house. I’d like that for nursery.”

“I like monster and dragon books. I am not scared by them!”

“I like this book.” (held up Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson)

Adult- “I love Julia Donaldson books…. Do you think we need some more by that author?”

“Yes! We were looking for the Snail and the Whale in nursery but we couldn’t find it.”

“Yes, look at all those ones we could get.” (Looked at inside cover of the book to point to other titles by the same author)

“I like the Gruffalo and the Gingerbread man. I have them in my house.”

“I like the Worrysaurus.”

Here are some of the books we bought, just as requested by the children, along with some others to reflect our nursery values. We look forward to more books being delivered soon, including the ever popular Julia Donaldson titles and some traditional tales.

The yeti story
This book was torn and tatty so we replaced it.
Books with dinosaur characters
Lift the flap books
The Worrysaurus
More books supporting our emotions
Books with monsters
Books reflecting our diversity
Books promoting inclusion
Books to support emotional development


by Mrs Sylvester

In the garden, some of the children have been enjoying a story about a hedgehog who learns the importance of friendship and being helpful.  In the story, the hedgehog struggles to remove an apple from his spikes and is helped by a donkey.

To retell the story, we found a toy hedgehog and donkey but we also needed an apple. The children thought we should gather some apples from the apple tree in the nursery garden but unfortunately the apples were out of reach. With little success, the children independently tried to reach the apples using various techniques such as jumping up high, using hula-hoops and even sticks to reach the apples from the branches. 

“I can’t reach. It’s too high!”

However, when the children shared ideas and worked together they were finally able to reach the apples. Just like in the story, the children learnt the value of friendship and teamwork!

“I can get the apple with the hula-hoop. I tried but I didn’t get it. I can’t reach it!”   “I will try with this big stick!”
“I’ll get the crates to stand on. Pass me a stick! I will get it! I got one!”
“We can use the apples for our hedgehog story.”

Fun Friends

by Mrs McGregor

At Glenwood, we use a ‘Fun Friends’ programme to encourage the children to learn new skills and to help build their confidence. ‘Fun Friends’ is aimed at improving communication skills, social skills and building resilience.

These are the skills and phrases that we frequently use with the children:

Here are some snapshot interactions demonstrating ‘Fun Friends’ in action.  It began when one little boy was scared to go down our new slide. Two other children noticed this and offered support to their friend. They were determined to help his confidence and independence by encouraging bravery. They helped him to overcome his fear and then celebrated his achievement with him.

The girls gave the child encouragement.
One of the girls held hands with the child to go down the slide to help him feel safe.
One of the girls then held the child’s hand and supported him to sit at the top of the slide alone.
“Come on! You can do it! I will catch you!”

“Well done! You did amazing!”

The perfect example of kindness, compassion and love at Glenwood.










Sunny Side Up At Glenwood

by Mrs Burnett

Continuing our theme of Spring planting, what a lot we have learned from simply planting a few little sunflower seeds.

Back in March, to set the stage for World Down’s Syndrome Day we used fundraising seed bags donated by one of our lovely children, to sow some sunflowers indoors.

We scrutinised the differences between the seeds of the normal yellow sunflowers and a new red variety we had discovered.

“The black seeds are tiny.”
“Awww the little white ones are so cute! It’s going to be all warm and cosy in here!”
“I want the yellow and red ones.”

We carefully followed the instructions on how to plant the seeds, learning what plants need to grow.

Keen to learn what was happening to our seeds under the soil, we looked at fact books about sunflowers and watched time lapse videos of the sunflower life cycle on the iPad.

“It looks like it’s doing a wee dance.”

We have been checking our pots regularly and when the sunny weather came, we transferred them  to a sheltered spot in the garden. We ordered them by size and gave each one a number and a name including Bonzo, Sunny and Apple Crumble!

“We need to give it some water next”
“A sunflower has to have some sun!”

Developing our numeracy skills, we have been having a go at estimating and then measuring the sunflowers’ height progress, plotting the results on a chart.


During a sunflower health check, we spotted that two plants had mysteriously lost their leaves. On closer examination we noticed a rogue slug and problem solved together…

“Oh yuck…what will we do with the slug?”

“It’s just a baby one.”

“It will eat our sunflowers.”

“We have to take it away from Bonzo!”

“Maybe we could put it in the bug hotel for a holiday?”

Having gently relocated the slug off on its holidays and continuing to provide Bonzo and friends with tender loving care, we are trying hard to be patient as we wait for our sunflowers to bloom.

Roll on summer 😎

Let’s Get Ready For Spring…

by Mrs Wilson

The children have been very busy over the last few weeks planning and preparing everything we need to get ready to start planting in our nursery garden.

We made a floor map to add our ideas about what we needed to do and what we would like to grow.

“I’m drawing rain at the top.  Plants need water so they can grow.”

One of the ideas from the floor map was to plant pumpkin seeds so we could grow our own for Halloween.  We learned that pumpkin seeds are planted on their sides and when they are growing they will need lots of water.

“There are lots and lots of weeds here. I need to dig them all out.”

We have been developing our fine and gross motor skills as we used trowels to dig out weeds and turn over the soil in our raised beds so the soil is prepared for planting. Some of the children remembered that last year some of our plants were eaten by slugs, so we decided to go on a slug hunt in the garden so we could remove them.

“This slug is really big. It’s all slimy.”

Using soapy water and sponges we washed out old plant pots so they are ready for planting our new seeds.

“I like the bubbles in the water.”

Potatoes are always a favourite to grow with the children at our family centre.  We used our observation skills and magnifying glasses to learn about chitting seed potatoes to allow the eyes to grow before we can plant them.

“I can see the eyes. They are really small.”

To decide what we are going to plant we used buttons to choose our three favourite fruits or vegetables to grow in the garden.

“I like strawberries.”
“Strawberries are the winners.  They have the most.”

We made a graph using unifix cubes to help interpret the results of our fruit and vegetable survey.

The children are now looking forward to planting in the garden.   This will help to develop their knowledge and understanding about how the different plants grow and how to look after them, as well as the opportunity to taste a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables when they are ready to harvest.

Further information about growing fruits, vegetables and flowers and gardening with children can be found on the following websites:



by Miss Bibby

We have been busy baking at Glenwood. First, we researched what we wanted to bake and looked at a range of recipes. We chose one for gluten free shortbread. Then, we talked about what ingredients and equipment we needed and we set up the table. The children were discussing the different measurements they would need and they worked as a team to weigh out the shortbread ingredients.

“I need another two spoonfuls of this sugar!”

“I’m mixing it all together!”
“I like shortbread. Do you like shortbread?”
“I’m going to pour this flour into the bowl”


by Mrs Alison

The children have enjoyed learning about where honey comes from. We read a story called ‘The Beeman’ about a bee keeper and we also read a poem about the importance of honey bees.

“ The queen bee is bigger and that’s The Beeman.”
“Bees help the plants.”

The children learnt all about beehives and honeycomb and  even tried some of the equipment that beekeepers use.

“It’s like a hat!”
“It smells funny!”

“The comb has honey in it!”

We tasted some honey from the beehive.

We learnt that bees do a waggle dance to tell the other bees which direction the best flowers are in, so that they can collect nectar to make honey. The children enjoyed trying their own waggle dance.

We decided to use the honey to make a delicious honey cake for all of the children to try.

Some of the children wanted to learn some more about bees, so we had a look at our big encyclopaedia and used the iPad to scan the QR code. It showed us a video about bees collecting nectar.


by Mrs Wilson

The children and adults have been learning about planting, growing and harvesting a variety of different vegetables and fruit with help and support from Goody Foody. Towards the end of August we began to harvest our beetroots and the children have been exploring them in their play experiences.

The children have been learning how to prepare the beetroot for cooking, using brushes and water to clean them and joining in with a rhyme as an adult used a sharp knife to cut off the bottom and cut the leaves off the top.


Chop, chop, choppity-chop,

Cut off the bottom, and cut off the top.

What there is left, we put in the pot.

Chop, chop, choppity-chop.

 When the beetroots were cooked the children had the opportunity to have a go at tasting them.

“I like this beetroot.  Can I have some more?”

 The children were very interested to observe that the beetroot cooking water had changed colour.

“It looks a bit like purple now.  The beetroot has changed the water.”

The cooking water was used to investigate what would happen if some white cotton material was soaked in it.

“It’s not white anymore.  The beetroot colour is all over the material.”

The children developed their mark making skills using the cooking water to paint with.

The beetroot leaves were also used, along with some nasturtium flowers and leaves grown in the garden, to try the Japanese art of Hapa-Zome (leaf-dye).


“You need to hit really hard with the hammer to squash the leaves.”


Internet Safety with Jessie and Friends

It is important that we teach our children how to stay safe online.

Jessie and Friends is a new online resource from CEOP for children aged 4-7 years to use with their parents and educators to help them develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to stay safe online.

Find the parent information here : Jessie and Friends parent guide

Find the videos and games here: Jessie and Friends

The Human Body

The children in the Orchard room have been learning about the human body. The children had been talking about their bodies and taking turns to share their knowledge on the different parts of their bodies. We began by getting one of our peers to lie down on paper so we could draw around them. This would be the shape for our body. We then took turns to say what we had on our faces and draw it into our paper body.



“ Ears.”

“ We wear clothes on our bodies.”

From this activity we moved on to have a look at what was inside our bodies. We used a doll to explore this area.

“We have a heart.”

“What helps us to think?”

“Our brain.”

The children decided they would like to build a skeleton using our body jigsaw puzzle.

“We need a head.”


“The body is next.”

“ The hips go onto the body.”

We can’t wait to expand on this topic and do more activities about our body.

Introducing lunches

As of Wednesday 11th August, Glenwood began providing a lunchtime meal to ALL children regardless of their provision.

This means children attending in the mornings will have a lunch before the end of their session, children attending in the afternoon will have a lunch when they arrive in the afternoon and children attending full days will be provided with a lunch instead of bringing a their own packed lunch.

We will continue to provide a small snack mid morning and mid afternoon in addition to this. All meals and snacks are developed in line with guidance to ensure they are well balanced and nutritious and the menus are available in advance. Note: After any holiday the 1st day back will always be the Monday menu and then the normal days will follow.


Our experience of providing snacks for children shows that children will often be encouraged by the social aspect of our meal/ snack times to try new foods in nursery which they may be reluctant to try at home so we hope the introduction of a lunch will be similarly successful.

For pupils wishing to access our vegetarian menu the lifestyles form must be completed.

If your child has food allergies/ intolerances, a medically prescribed meal request form must be completed.

Please contact the nursery for further advice regarding the required forms if you are unsure about anything.

If you do choose to provide a packed lunch for your child this should be a healthy lunch with an ice pack to keep the food cool. Sugary and salty snacks are not permitted.

Please note- we are a nut free zone so NO NUTS. We also have a person with significant allergies and so kiwi, grapefruit, pineapple and avocado are not permitted. (Please check the content of drinks etc for hidden ingredients)


Glenwood Family Centre- Time Capsule

We chose to mark the end of our first session in the new building with a Time Capsule, positioned at the front entrance and within the heart of the community in Eastwood Park, signifying our place in the heart of the community. We marked the spot with a toadstool, which came from the garden of the old building from a wooded area known as Toadstool Tales.

This letter was placed inside the Time Capsule- 

Glenwood Nursery School opened officially on 4th October, 1976 in a purpose built building on Woodfarm Road, with a capacity of 80 children in the morning and 80 in the afternoon. The first entry in the log book dated 10th November 1976 states, “ the waiting list opened on 13th September, and mothers have been enquiring daily ever since. Even at that numbers are slow to rise. At this moment we have 50 morning and 26 afternoon children. At this date we have one Head Teacher, one Assistant Teacher and five Nursery Nurses.”

The first head teacher was Mrs Elizabeth Anderson (became McDowell). She was succeeded briefly by Mrs Robertson, acting head teacher, in January 1990 before Mrs Karin Gilhooly took on the role on 3rd September, 1990. Mrs Gilhooly retired in June 2013 and I, Lorraine Brown, was appointed permanently in October 2013.

In 2015 Glenwood Nursery School became Glenwood Family Centre and we began operating throughout the year. Soon after, Scottish Government plans were announced for every child to receive 1140 hours of early learning and childcare by 2020 and so, to meet the increased demand, a new centre was planned due to open in August 2020. The new building was to be sited close to the old building. This was a much more prominent site, in the heart of Eastwood Park.

Unfortunately the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in 2020 resulted in the country going into lockdown and the opening of the building was delayed. The new building finally opened during a second lockdown at the start of 2021. We welcomed the first of our children on 1st February 2021, opening only to children whose parents were key workers or vulnerable children who were attending the Hub provision. The first children to step through our doors were Lewis and Cameron Wilkinson. On 22nd February 2021 we fully opened for all children. Our role at February 2021 was 141 children, with a head teacher, a principal teacher, a teacher, a depute head of centre, a senior child development officer, 16 child development officers (including 4 part time), 5 part time early years play workers, 2 business support assistants and 2 janitor/ cleaners.

The new centre has a capacity of 180 children at any one time, with children attending various patterns across the week to meet the needs of the families. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm every week day except public holidays and in-service days.

We hope that upon opening this Time Capsule, you will experience some of the thrill of learning about the past and the history of Glenwood. We have had an eventful journey recently due to coronavirus however the spirit of Glenwood is strong and we hope this continues long into the future. 

Love and Best Wishes

Mrs Lorraine Brown

Head Teacher

25th June, 2021





Fun Friends

Going to school is a big transition and children feel that. From May as children’s awareness of their move to school increases we see slight changes in the children. We often hear individuals saying to their friends or adults “I’m going to miss you when I go to school”. Some of our younger children protest “I’m going to school too”. We see some children become a little more anxious and look for more reassurance, or return to play they had previously moved on from.

At this time children also begin to explore their identity through their friendships and sometimes excluding others and we often hear disagreements about who is allowed to join in or who is in a friendship group. Recently some children made this sign:

As adults we seek to encourage children to be aware of how it feels to be excluded; and challenge children to think how and why we should include others. Parents this is a time when children will soak up the way you interact with others and your values both conscious and unconscious ones.

At Glenwood we use the Fun Friends approach with all children. You may already be familiar with this but I am putting links to previous blogs and a sways to provide more fun ideas to support wellbeing.


F is for Feelings

We talk to children about their own feelings and others “I can see that you thought that was funny and it made you laugh but look, your friends not laughing he got a fright.


R is for Relaxing and Self-Regulation

Learning calm ourselves when we are scared, angry or in a disagreement is an important skill and it involves stopping a moment and breathing slowly.


I is for ‘I can do it.’

We teach children to think positively “I can’t do it yet, but I can try hard. We call positive thoughts green as they help us go and negative thoughts red as they make us stop.


E is for Encourage

We celebrate success and encourage on the journey “you are concentrating really hard” or “I can see you are doing your very best”


N is for Nurture

We are wired for positive connection. Love can be ‘all we need’.


D is for don’t forget to be Brave. 

Facing new experiences and people requires bravery. Children can practice being confident in new situations or saying they don’t like something.


S stay happy and stay safe

Children learn best when they are happy and safe. They love having Fun. Also they can learn safety messages when presented in fun ways.