Tag Archives: sharing stories


by Mrs Alison

The children have enjoyed learning about where honey comes from. We read a story called ‘The Beeman’ about a bee keeper and we also read a poem about the importance of honey bees.

“ The queen bee is bigger and that’s The Beeman.”
“Bees help the plants.”

The children learnt all about beehives and honeycomb and  even tried some of the equipment that beekeepers use.

“It’s like a hat!”
“It smells funny!”

“The comb has honey in it!”

We tasted some honey from the beehive.

We learnt that bees do a waggle dance to tell the other bees which direction the best flowers are in, so that they can collect nectar to make honey. The children enjoyed trying their own waggle dance.

We decided to use the honey to make a delicious honey cake for all of the children to try.

Some of the children wanted to learn some more about bees, so we had a look at our big encyclopaedia and used the iPad to scan the QR code. It showed us a video about bees collecting nectar.

Remote Learning- Literacy

If you can only do one thing to benefit your child while they are not in nursery, it is read a story a day. This can be a new story each day or you can revisit the same old favourite every day for a week…it doesn’t matter as long as you spend some time together and share the experience. Books are not just for bedtime- they can be read anywhere and anytime. And you don’t even need a book- why not make up stories together?

You can visit our stoytelling sway to hear stories read by the Glenwood team –


Similarly, sharing songs and rhymes also supports literacy development.  Why not visit the Bookbug website for ideas-


Alternatively, why not try the BBC radio website for nursery rhymes (rather than YouTube)-
