
Welcome to Eastwood High School’s Chemistry department.

Within the Chemistry department there are a number of courses available:

S3 – Broad General Education building on from S2 Chemistry.

S4 – National 4 or National 5 Chemistry.

S5/6 – National 5 or CfE Higher Chemistry.

S6 only – CfE Advanced Higher Chemistry.

You will learn a wide and varied knowledge from topics such as “Chemical changes and structures”; “Nature’s Chemistry”; and “Chemistry in Society”. Skills are an important aspect of the chemistry courses. These include practical skills, Investigative skills, report writing, analyzing data and presenting data using bar charts and line graphs). These skills involve numeracy and literacy which are required to successfully report on investigative work in Chemistry.

The practical work involved at all levels in chemistry supports the knowledge content of the courses. Throughout each of the courses you will undertake end of unit assessments, as well as weekly homework’s. These allow us to track your progress by providing us with important information, so we can offer individual support to improve your attainment.

The CfE Higher and CfE Advanced higher course provides progression from the National 5 course to a level required for University or College.

Help is always on hand within Chemistry department as we provide a number of supported study sessions throughout the year, either during lunchtimes or after school. The resources provided for the courses are also available on Glow in the chemistry group. There are also a number of useful websites that can be used to help improve your knowledge and understanding:



National 5 Resources

N5 Unit 3 Past Paper Question BOOKLET (1)

N5 Unit 2 Past Paper Question BOOKLET

N5 Unit 1 Past Paper Question BOOKLET

Unit 1 National 5 Notes (2)

Unit 2 National 5 Notes

Unit 3 National 5 Notes (1)


Higher Resources

Higher Unit 2 Past Paper Question BOOKLET 2020 Higher Unit 3 Past Paper Question BOOKLET 2020 (2) Higher Calculations Past Paper Question BOOKLET 2020 (1) Higher Unit 1 Past Paper Question BOOKLET 2020 (1)

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