
Hunting for Sticks and Stones

Today we went out a walk looking for sticks and stones to use them to play games on our Outdoor Learning day.

We were very responsible citizens when crossing the road and had lovely kind manners when passing members of the public.

Once we collected all we needed, we had fun at the park. However it then started to pour and we had to quickly get back to school! We were soaked by the time we got back.


A wee day out!!

Today we had a lovely day out at the Riverside Museum in Glasgow. We boarded the two buses got there safety – having sung a song or twelve!!!


A snack in the sunshine – honest the sun was shining – wasn’t it Jessica!!

All aboard!!!

Going Underground!!

The underground is a scary place!!!

Faster Reece Faster!!!

Let’s get this fire out Jacob.

“Does anyone know a man with a BIG lorry that can come and pick this wreck up??”

“My heart will go on and on….”

Jacob scrubbing the deck!

“Ring the Bell Sam – Adam is overboard!!!”

“Aye, Aye Captain Melanie”

Lunch time.

Homeward Bound – it has been a busy day Reece!


FAOL – Sciences – Growing plants for the garden

The Stars class have planted vegetable plants in the school garden. We have planted peas, courgettes, pumpkins, carrots, onions and potatoes. We keep them well watered  and hope we will have a healthy crop of vegetables to harvest after the holidays.




Great friendship in the Oak class, everyone showed they were responsible citizens when walking into town yesterday.  Blake and Angus demonstrated great road safety awareness when crossing the road.

We had some shopping to do and then enjoyed snack in the Coffee Trader. Cameron helped Mrs Murray place the order and had excellent manners when speaking to the lady in the café.


Checking the List

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens on their community travel trip into town. The boys went into a lot of different shops and all had a turn to look in Argos for the items. The boys all walked very safely and used a lot of  road sense skills.



Rouken Glen

Well the end of the year is almost here, the Oak gang celebrated our year by spending the day at Rouken Glen.  It had been miserable weather all week so we went prepared with wellies and waterproofs, however the weather turned and it was a beautiful day for us!

This has been a busy fantastic year with the Oak gang full of fun challenges and the boys really are all great friends to one another! There is one thing for sure these boys are always guaranteed to make you smile!

Our day out was perfect and the photos do not do  the day justice to how good it was! Everyone was very responsible citizens and extremely well behaved!

We enjoyed a walk around the grounds to see the waterfall and then through the woods. Great fun was had at the swing park and then a BBQ on the grass for lunch.

Our topic this term was learning about life in Australia, the Great Outdoors! So we had our Scottish experience with our wellies on and a BBQ, thankfully the umbrella was needed when cooking lunch!

Oak Gang, well done and thank you for a memorable, great year!



Bird Feeders

Today the Daisies were responsible citizens and used our fine motor skills to make bird feeders using cheerios and pipe cleaners.

We worked to carefully thread the cheerios onto each pipe cleaner then explored the sensory garden to find a place to hang them.


Summer Trip!

All the boys in Transition were Responsible Citizens on our classes Summer Outing to Dumfries House on Monday. All the boys enjoyed doing lots of different activities including the play park, the STEM water park and all the games we took along with us. We even managed to find some time to cook up some hotdogs for everyone. Thankfully the rain stayed off and all the boys were nice and dry, well, mostly dry.


World Flags

In Transition class the boys were Responsible Citizens by finding out all about the world flags.



Sports Day Prep

The Transition boys were Confident Individuals when they were rehearsing for their sports day. They enjoyed practising their hurdles, flat race and running laps.


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