
Literacy and Communication Work

We practise our literacy ILP targets in groups with a range of different activities each week.  Last week we tried using games and music to help us make learning fun!  We were successful learners as we each worked hard on our given targets.

Literacy through music beats!  Sean and Skye are working on sounding out names and sounds using instruments.

  Lyle, Nicole, Valo and Gemma are working on their letter and sound recognition by playing Connect Four with a twist!  They have to select the correct letters that are written on the counters!   We practised our communication skills by playing circle time games.  This game was Chinese Whispers!  We had lots of fun making up sounds to pass on to a friend, then listening to the sound we ended up with at the end! We used the physiotherapy ball to choose which friends we wanted to share with or pass messages on to.


Ten minute challenges

The Transition boys are Successful Learners every day when they take part in their ten minute challenges. The challenges change but are linked to literacy and numeracy targets. The boys were working on 24hr clocks, choosing words, money, sequencing, months and seasons and reading this week.


IDL – Numeracy Survey

This week we used a lot of skills to complete a supermarket survey within our school.  We wanted to find out which supermarket was the most popular.

We used our communication skills to speak and sign in full sentences, we were all confident individuals when entering other classes.

We gathered the results, added up all the numbers and created a bar chart.

The winner of the most used supermarket is…………………………………………

TESCO, with ASDA and MORRISON’s being a close second.



Last Friday we had a lovely time at the Fun day – we saw the Ponies, Owls and lots of other fluffy animals.

In keeping with our theme we made four different types of Angel Delight. Some of them we made in the big mixer, and presses the switch to make it mix – others went old school and used a rotary whisk!!! Then tasted them to decide which one we liked best, the Bluebell Class joined us for the tasting.

Assembly was about Harvest – and even better it was Sensory!!

This morning we went on a Literacy Hunt to look for symbols to put on to our Board.


Relaxed Reading

The transition class were Responsible Citizens when they choose to relax when listening to the Thumble Tumble and the Olipheist book



Inside Out!!

This week the Pine Class have been Successful Learners when starting a short unit of work in the ICE Pack programme about ‘How we Feel?’ We watched some of the movie Inside Out and used some sensory bags to help us decide what we were feeling at that time.

We have continued with our theme and this week made Sardine Biscuits – and everyone that tried them said they were great!!

We went around the school yesterday on a Literacy Treasure Hunt – looking for pictures and putting in the correct card.

We have also had fun colour sorting different objects and playing with the switches.

Have a lovely weekend!!!





Good Times Ahead

Now all the boys in Transition are all settled and enjoying their time with new classmates, it was time to see what each boy was looking forward to the most for the upcoming year. There was a selection of words given to them and each boy had to make a list of things they were looking forward to being a part of around the school. (We didn’t mention the C word even though its only 16 weeks away). All the boys were Confident Individuals and have all set some very interesting goals.


My Name

Last week we used lots of different coloured paper to collage the first letter of our name. We used glue to stick the paper inside the lines of our initial. We were all successful learners and completed this with some support. 🙂



Bush Tucker Treasure Hunt

The Stars class invited the Sungazers class to a Bush Tucker Treasure Hunt in the sensory garden. We looked for fruit pictured in our worksheet and counted them. Afterwards we had a sociable snack together in the Stars class. Everybody seemed to have a good time.



Alphabet Scavenger

The Transition boys were Effective Contributors when they were outside trying to find objects in the garden with the same letter of the alphabet.


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