
Sungazer’s morning group

Monday morning started with our morning group where we write our day, date and month as well as come together to sing and dance in our seasons song. The boys enjoy using props to dress up as each season and can identify the current season which is winter. After morning group Reece sets up our snack shop and invites his friends one by one to select the correct coins to pay for their snacks.




Dick Institute Revisited

Pupils from the Stars class visited the Dick Institute today. We chose books to read and enjoyed a lovely sociable snack in the cafe.



Visit to Dick Institute

Some of the Stars class pupils visited the Dick Institute today. We chose then read a book, coloured in, then enjoyed snack in the café. We all had a lovely time.



Welcome back!!

We were all glad to see each other after the holidays – back to some hard work in Numeracy!!

Getting on with our SQA unit – Reece has been working well.

Adam – typical teenager!!

We had a visit from the Clown Doctors – we all loved them – they were so funny.

More numeracy – glitter numbers and using ICT.

Reece helped make the toast for Social Snack on Thursday morning,

For Literacy this week we explored our letters in bread dough and flour – just a wee bit messy!!

Making choices for our SQA Baking unit – What do we like??


Loving Literacy

The Transition boys were Successful Learners this week when they completed a Christmas spelling task. They all put in excellent effort. Well done!


A Christmas Story

The Transition boys enjoyed a Christmas Story on the board this week. They were all Effective Contributors helping to find things on the screen and helping to tell the story.


Ten Minute Challenge

The Transition boys were Successful Learners as they continued their Literacy and Numeracy by completing their daily tasks.



Perfect Pudsey Cakes

The Transition boys were Effective Contributors this week when they were working in the cookery room.  They used their literacy skills to follow the recipe  and their numeracy skills to weigh and measure ingredients. The boys successfully made delicious chocolate cakes


Recycling work

The Transition boys were Responsible Citizens this week when they took part in their SQA Work Experience class. They used their literacy skills to carefully read each bin label so the contents didn’t get mixed. They also helped to sweep the leaves that had been blown into the school.


FAOL – Eco

The Stars class explored Article 23 – ‘If I have a disability, I have the right to special care and education. We compared a special school in Dubai with Willowbank and found them very similar. Their weather was far better though!


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