Tag Archives: Parent Council

GFG Meeting – Sunday 22 April 2018

The next meeting of the GFG is taking place on Sunday 22nd April at 1930 in The Park Hotel. All parents from ECC and the school will be made very welcome.


 The next meeting of the Parent Council will take place on Tuesday 24th April at 1900 in the school meeting room. Again all parents are very welcome to attend.


The GFG and parent council can be contacted via email:




GFG also have a Facebook page. Please like and follow for information on upcoming fundraising activities.


Minutes from the Parent Council and GFG meetings are available on the school blog under the Parents section.”


Parent Council

Parent Council meeting minutes 23rd January 2018

GFG meeting 14th January 2018



Parent Council / GFG

Parent Council meeting minutes 21st November 2017

gfg minutes- sunday







Parent council meeting


Next Mondays parent council meeting

has been postponed until

Tuesday 21st November.



Wet Weather Boxes

The parent council suggested that each family could bring in an item for their child’s classroom wet weather box.

Items can be brought along at parents night !

  • Board games
  • Magazines
  • Colouring in books / pencils
  • Jigsaws



Parent Council Meeting Minutes

Parent Council meeting minutes 4th September 2017

Parent Council

Parent Council Annual Report 2016-17


We have agreed the following dates for Parent Council Meetings for Session 2017/18:

 Tuesday 3rd October

 Monday 20th November

 Tuesday 16th January

 Monday 26th February

 Tuesday 24th April

 Monday 4th June

 All meetings will take place from 7-9pm in the school meeting room.

 In addition to this the GFG will be meeting in the Brewers Fayre Cotton Mill on Sunday 1st October at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome to attend to help make plans for fundraising activities for the year ahead.


New School Crossing Patrol


 A new crossing is being  installed at Dundonald Rd / Mount Village.    

EAC is hoping to have the civils aspect completed during the October week.

The signals will be installed by a specialist contractor shortly after

which will have minimal disruption. 

We encourage parents to use their new facility when it is up and running.  

The crossing will be slightly to the right of the old site,

this  is due to the proximity of the bus stop.


Parent Council Meeting

Our next Parent Council meeting

will be held in the school meeting room


Monday 4th September



All welcome !