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Purple and Orange group parents.
Here at the ECC we go through lots of liquid soap, tissues and kitchen roll each week. We would be very grateful if each child from the Purple and Orange group could kindly donate any of these items to help keep us going. The reason we are asking two groups per term is to stop our cupboards becoming overcrowded with these items. Thank you
Parent Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Parent Council is on Tuesday 4th September at 7pm – 9pm in the school meeting room. It will include the AGM. If you are interested in coming along for the first time to see what it’s all about you will be made very welcome. It is a friendly group and a great way to learn more about what goes on in our school. The Fundraising Group is also looking for new members. If you are interested in helping out in any way please come along next Tuesday and get involved.
If you can’t make the meeting but would like to help out please email us on”
Kilmarnock Standard P1 Photos
Wet Weather Routines
We had hoped to get a few more days of summer sunshine before the wet weather arrived but unfortunately this was not the case!
If the weather is particularly wet in the morning, the doors will be opened at 8.50am and all children will be welcomed into the building.
At this time, they will move through the cloakroom as normal and go straight to their classes.
The children will be supervised in their bases by our P7 monitors, classroom assistants and the senior management team until classes begin at 9am.
ECC Communication board
Here at Gargieston ECC we promote a communication friendly environment and our communication champion is currently Miss Clark. When you enter the ECC you will find our communication board on your right hand side of the cloakroom.This board has key pieces of information to promote communication and language along with Makaton signs and Nursery rhyme of the week. This information is updated on a weekly basis and also uploaded to the blog.
We offer communication tip of the month which is pictured above (pausing in conversations)
Please feel free to take any leaflets in the button wallet from the board as these are replenished regularly.
Should you have any speech or language concerns please feel free to speak to your child’s keyworker, our communication champion or call the Speech and Language Therapy hotline which is pictured above. The speech and language therapy department also have a facebook and twitter page which has some useful information and tips posted regularly.
Welcome Back!
It was so lovely to welcome our children back to school today for the new session. Our 81 Primary 1 children have settled in well and have had a fabulous start to their learning journey with us at Gargieston. We have also welcomed 4 new pupils at the Primary 4 stage and Miss McGrane & Miss McConnell to our teaching staff team. Mrs Greer will join our clerical team on Wednesday and will be with us 3 days each week.
With our school roll continuing to grow, it will be necessary to make some organisational changes to routines. From Wednesday 22nd August, only Primary 1 pupils will have permission to enter the school building from 8.50am as a ‘soft start’ to their day. Children from Primary 2 upwards will line up in the playground and will be collected by their teacher at 9am.
We had a very busy assembly this afternoon for all 390 pupils where the children were introduced to our new promoting positive relationships and behaviour system – ‘Reach for the Stars’. This is a new approach for Gargieston but it is one that the staff team have fully embraced and I am sure that the children will too. Ask your children about it today and look out for more information to follow in terms of a leaflet and parent workshops.